IT is not true that members of the Jehovah's Witnesses do not vote.

by fokyc 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • fokyc

    Jehovah's Witnesses Do Vote In Ghana

    They do, Nathaniel Gbedemah, of the Public Affairs Department at the group's headquarters in Accra.

    Voting is an individual affair says and that the movement has never prevented any of its members from exercising his or her franchise.

    He said the society had about 200,000 members nationwide and “we do not decide for our members either to vote or not.”


  • blondie

    The WTS uses the same "reasoning" when it comes to joining the military, taking a blood transfusion, yet in both cases a member who does so is seen as having disassociated themselves from the organization and will be shunned.

    This is a deceptive end run around the legal aspects of countries, enabling the WTS to get legal recognition. A similar deception was pulled on the Bulgarian government re blood transfusions.


  • OnTheWayOut

    The official stand on anything is that they don't decide for their members.

    They don't decide that members should shun someone who violates WT rules.
    They say that their own members make the decision to support the Bible and shun that sinner.

    They don't even kick the member out who no longer believes the WT rules, they say he did
    that to himself.

    They don't tell the members how to decide which blood fractions to allow. The members
    decide that for themselves. Same with oral sex between husband and wife, or what entertainment
    to avoid or YADDA YADDA YADDA.

    In the United States and many other countries, you can decide whether to vote or not. If you
    decide to vote, you have decided by your action to no longer be one of Jehovah's Witnesses and
    you have decided to accept the shunning that many JW's will decide on their own to do.

  • Mandette

    Speaking of voting in other countries....I read in this month's National Geographic(November 2008 under the heading "Culture") that in Australia that if people don't go to the polls to vote that they face fines. How do the JW's in Australia deal with that?

    Just curious


  • sacolton
  • Mandette
    Mandette much for a UNITED Worldwide Brotherhood....blah blah blah


  • FireNBandits

    You'd be amazed at the damage we can do to the WTBTS if all of us picked a date and time--coordinating various times zones--so that for fifteen minutes on that one day we all sent out our most negative vibes while visualizing a watchtower collapsing. Somehow, this mojo works. The more people involved, the stronger it is, and it has to simultaneous. If we did this once a month as a group the sect would collapse and be gone in a year or two. Guaranteed within a month you'd all be "believers" in the power of mind over matter.


  • barry

    In Australia voteing is compulsary but if you have a valid reason not to vote for religious grounds its just a matter of writing a letter to the authorities and a penalty for not voteing can be waived.

  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C

    Many of these elections in smaller countries allow write-in candidates on their ballots. I have heard that Jehovah's Witnesses in certain African countries with compulsary voting merely write in the names "Jehovah" or "Jesus Christ" on their ballots.

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