10 reasons it's Better in Canada than the US

by Satanus 55 Replies latest social humour

  • hawkaw

    Well, as a Canadian, eh!!! I guess I just want to say a few things.

    First Nathan:

    Most of the things you guys mention I do, in fact, appreciate you for. but what percentage of your gross national product is consumed by your "real" medicare? It's socialism! There's a reason that US medical facilities near our common border do such good business - when Canadians want REAL medical care, they come to the US. How many residents of the USA go to Canada when they need to have a thorn removed from their foot?
    Not true. There are times when the system stresses out. A couple of years ago the system's ERs got bogged down because of the flu etc. Solution - the governmnet pushed the flu shot in 2000-2001 winter and the problem subsided.

    There are problems with the health care system and we Canadians can all tell our stories of a long night at the ER, but, and to me a big but, it works well. I for one have had major lung surgery. I came through with flying colours.

    My father, father in law, mother and mother in law and wife (when she gave birth) have been through the health care system in a major way and came through well.

    It really depends on the hosiptal as to the level of care (ie. its a local management problem). I can explain how some wards at the local hospitals suck for nursing while others are really good.

    Yes, some cancer clinics, other systems and in some cases doctors pay was neglected. In 1995 our Province laid off nurses even though they knew a few years later they would need them back.

    Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto (which I have been in) is world reknown and of course the heart institute in Ottawa is awesome.

    Problems, yes there are problems but we don't have to worry about paying for it. And if we go to the states for treatment (which rarely happens), well it still gets paid for.

    Unlike USA senior who have to come to Canada for cheaper drugs, Canadian citizen get breakes and even some have their drugs paid for.

    There is still a lot of private cost involved though - ie. room upgrades etc.

    Cost, well we pay for it through our taxes. If I recall Ontario's budget, health care is about 22 billion dollars this year for a population of 12 million.

    We finally started paying our doctors higher salaries a few years ago too. Many of my friends who are heart, lung and other specialists are staying put.

    The big problem was the system and the rest of government was stressed over a ression in the 1990s and deficit spending. Something had to give and it finally did. The last few years have seen dramatic investiments in health care.

    Another myth is how liberal Canada is. Canada has actually been very conservative for the last 5 to 10 years. Taxes have dramatically (some want more) come down on the federal level (something that has just started to happen in Washington). Of course Ontario dramatically reduced taxes and so has Alberta (which is way conservative) and other Provinces like BC. Canada has also balanced its books and operates with surpluses - something the US has just started but may slip back into deficit financing this fiscal.

    This has slowed what we call the "brain drain" (doctors and other professionals heading for the USA).

    Another myth is how we are so liberal in issues like the environment. Fact is (sadly) the waste haulers from the USA come up here and deposit their waste in our hazardous waste sites because our laws are much more lax than most USA states. Plus, we have laid off a lot of inspectors etc.

    If Commie Chris would read this he will tell you how evil our governments have been to the poor and weak and how we have treated native Canadians.

    Canada has two really big cultures because of the 8 million French who live in Quebec and the English in most everywhere else. They are very different and unique.

    But most live near the American border. I still say, its the American system that allows Canada to survive. Its military protects us and allows us to grow economically but many Canadians may disagree with me.

    Thats all for now. I have to go to bed.


  • VeniceIT


    Hey I don't wear contacts!!!!


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • Kismet

    No contacts eh? Well that might explain your misperception about Canada! Have you considered glasses??? smirking

    Good come back BTW.

  • Gopher

    Venice & Kismet,

    Hey who even cares whether Canada is a country or not? I thought maybe it was just a general direction, as in 'the great white north'.

    Naaa--really Canada's great. But doesn't it still report to the British throne? hmmmm...

    Q: Why is America there?
    A: To protect Canada and Mexico from each other!

    Good to see you again Kismet, really!

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • Andee

    I live in an area that is heavily populated with Canadian snowbirds during the winter.

    When I was employed, I dealt with them on a daily basis during the fall and winter months. One of my responsibilities was to exchange $Canadian into $US. The mood of my Canadian customers would fluctuate with the exchange rates. If the rates were up, then they were happy and engaging. If the rates were down, I dealt with scowling faces and bad moods.

    Another thing observed. Those Canadians love their whiskey and bourbon! In about February and March, when they started heading back home, they buy the stuff by the case(s) to take back with them. Is alcohol heavily taxed in Canada?

    I won't even get into the class A motorhomes hauling a car, with either Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, or British Columbia license plates driving 35MPH in a 55MPH zone. Of course, they stay all they way to the left so no one can get by! I'll bet you all send them here, doncha?

    Their biggest complaint? Our US money is all the same color.

    Who thinks that any country that produced John Candy has got to be OK!

  • Kismet


    Thanks for the greeting. I am disappointed tho that despite my year of training you while living there you still have these misconceptoins of Canada.

    The Queen is strictly a figurehead kept around by those who appreciate tradition. The Monarchy has no holds or controls over tis country.

    and it is roof not ruf LOL


  • VeniceIT

    Kismet maybe you can come on down here and teach us a thing or two!!!

    Well ok I do have to give some points where credit is due

    ***** THE RED GREEN SHOW*****

    If the woman don't find you handsome they should at least find you handy.


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • hillary_step

    Canadians are so unique that if you travel to the West Coast of Canada, they all look Oriental and pretend they cannot speak English. A very special eccentricity.

    With Wun Hung Lo - HS

  • Scully

    Reason #11: Tim Horton's Coffee

    Reason #12: 1/10th the # of JWs than in the USA

    Reason #13: JWs spend more time on coffee breaks between October and April than in actual door-to-door work.

    Reason #14: The Rideau Canal in Ottawa... the world's longest skating rink!

    Reason #15: Skating on the world's longest skating rink, and enjoying a gingerbread latté and a Beavertail afterward :)

    Regarding Health Care:
    It sucks. It isn't free (ever check how much we Canucks have deducted on our pay-cheques for "income tax"?? about 50% of that goes to Health Care - or more accurately: Health Care Administrators) If we ran health care as a "business", it would be more cost-effective. Wayyyyyy too much waste happening, lots of long waits for diagnostic tests (Ottawa - the nation's capital city - has only 2 MRI scanners) which is absolutely deplorable.

    anyway, i'll step off my soap box. I do love being a nurse, but seeing people being sent home 2 days after breast cancer surgery without home support afterward is ridiculous.

    Love, Scully

    It is not persecution for an informed person to expose a certain religion as being false. - WT 11/15/63

  • Scully

    BitterMango writes:

    ohohoh! mr. dressup can kick mr. rodgers ass!!!

    Mr Dressup was way cool.

    I cried when I heard the news that he had died back in September. I cried again when I had to tell my kids about it too. This was like within a week of 9-11 attacks, and my kids were already upset about what had been showing on TV for several days, then to hear that one of Canada's 'great ones' (as far as kids are concerned -- adults rated Mr Dressup as the most boring TV program in Canadian history, with The Beachcombers near the top of the list too) had passed away.... I think it was too much for all of us.

    Thanks for the memories, Ernie Coombs

    Love, Scully

    It is not persecution for an informed person to expose a certain religion as being false. - WT 11/15/63

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