I had a ticket to get in and took one guest. I stood in line for about two hours. I then stood up for seven hours watching and waiting and dancing and laughing and cheering. The crowd of 240,000 was amazing. No pushing or shoving. Every color of the rainbow helping each other and laughing with each other. It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. As you all know I have a clot in my leg, and it has taken me two days to recuperate from standing so long, but it was well worth the pain and I'd do it again.
I got home really late!
This was historical for me too. I've never, ever voted in my entire life. Partly because of the brainwashing, partly because I never found any politician to be even remotely worth considering. I feel so good that I took part in helping Obama become the 44th President of the United States of America. It feels so good not to sit back on my ass and wait for some invisible force to come down and save us all, while we have the strength and knowledge to do something OURSELVES! Sure, I don't think Obama can fix everything. Sure I don't think he's going to save us. WE are going to have to do that all together.
You can see the Obama family in the far background behind the bullet-proof glass.. I'm so damned short, I couldn't see over heads.
Nice hats!
Going through metal detectors. We had to pass three checkpoints. Empty everything from our pockets, even my chapstick. My cell and camera had to be ON. It was really amazing how they checked all these people so efficiently in a short time.