How about this LETTER TO THE EDITOR? It is short, sweet, and contains lots of factual info. It serves not only to inform the general public, but also serves to stir up the newspaper itself to possibly investigate the issues which we have thus far failed to adequately publicize.
Isn't this the real purpose of Letters To The Editor?
Maybe our earlier failed attempts were "walking before crawling"?
Why does (_this newspaper_), along with practically all American Press, give a "free ride" to the Jehovah's Witnesses cult? If it is because your editorial staff thinks that Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) are statistically insignificant in American society, they are wrong!
While JWs number only approximately 1,000,000 out of the United States's 286,000,000 population, closer inspection would reveal that JWs have a much larger societal impact than indicated by its small membership numbers.
It is significant that these 1,000,000 JWs are dispersed into 12,000 congregations located in nearly all of the 3134 counties in the U.S. It is even more significant that every single JW is required to perform public proselytizing activities, such as going door-to-door in your neighborhood. It is a fact that American JWs spend approximately 175,000,000 hours annually in public proselytizing activities, which averages out to approximately 15 hours per month for each of those 1,000,000 JWs.
What other American organization, religious or otherwise, can boast of 1,000,000 active recruiters?
These facts should give the American Press pause to consider whether the activities of JWs deserve greater scrutiny than they have received historically.
What JW topics are newsworthy?
Here is a sampling of current JW hot topics:
1. Organizational procedures dealing with child molestation are alleged to have effectively shielded child molestors among JWs, thus allowing molestors to repeat their crimes against children year after year. (Refer to:
2. In October, the JW parent organization, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (WBTS), resigned its "associative status" as a United Nations NGO Partner (granted in 1992), after the UN initiated an internal investigation because it learned that JW theology teaches that the UN is the "scarlet-colored Beast" of "Revelation" that eventually battles with God's heavenly organization, which is represented here on earth by the JWs. (Refer to:
3. The organization's changing medical treatment policies have resulted in hundreds of needless deaths here in the U.S. (Refer to:
It is time that (_this newspaper_), and all of the American Press, provided the general public with sufficient information to develop an informed opinion regarding this nationwide organization that, while knocking doors in every American neighborhood for decades, has for too long managed to "fly under the Press's radar".