I Caused a Complete Seen at the Bookstudy Tonight...

by cognac 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    Take a small spray pump filled with water to the study. One that you can conceal in your hand.

    Every time you walk past your victim, sneeze and give him a squirt from the pump.

    lmao! lol, too funny! Anywho, I still go to some meetings. Fading is a long process. For me at least. I'm thinking I should go up to him at the next meeting and tell him off. Or, telling the elders that I will from now on "call in" (yeah right) because people have no problem showing up at the meetings sick and I'm not going to risk the health of my unborn child.

  • DaCheech

    No joke, the man doing the talk a couple of weeks ago said that there's only 2 reasons to miss the meeting:

    1) older than methusolah

    2) sicker than Job

    gotta love 'em!

    I should start a thread on that statement alone!

  • LouBelle

    Personally I think you're making too much of it, but then I'm not pregnant. There are germs all over the place. St.Anne, getting sick at school is a given but when one is small, fighting there lil sniffs, snivels and such actually held build your immune stronger, if you never had to fight those kind of germs when you're young it can be detrimental to your health later.

  • cognac
    Personally I think you're making too much of it, but then I'm not pregnant.

    I'm not just careful at meetings, I'm careful everywhere. Like somebody else said, at work if you are sick, they send you home. At school, they send the kid home with a note. I know of 3 women in the last 2 months whose baby's died when the women were 9 months pregnant. One baby died the Dr.s said because of an infection. Not sure about the other 2. So, if I'm being completely insane about this, I really don't care. I'm just being protective of my baby.

    This guy didn't have to be there. So really he should have just stayed home. If everyone stayed home when they were sick, people in general would be a lot healthier.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Loubelle sweety, you obviously turn up to work all snotty with red eyes...sneezing on papers before handing them to people...wondering why as the most popular girl at work your sitting alone this lunchtime.....

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Cognac congrats on the baby.....no more booze or Cognac for you............but baby........seriously though you should take care, I work in a hospital and see some very bad things.

  • Mary

    My Dub sister ALWAYS goes to the meetings and ASSemblies, no matter how sick she is. Even though I don't go anymore, I gave her shit for doing this because she's making other people sick by spreading her germs to them. Even my Dub father told her to knock it off and stop going to the meetings when she's sick. He gets really pissed off at people who have the mentality that they MUST be at all the meetings, even when they're exposing everyone else to their illness.

  • WingCommander


    I am a fan of your posts and everything, really....been reading them from the beginning. But I gotta say, I completely disagree with you and your stance. Yes, people who are sick should have consideration for others. No doubt about it. But on the other hand, it's fall now, and more people are becoming sick...minor colds, whatever.

    Why in the hell do you think this guy was going to leave, just because YOU were there, and pregnant? Do you think he thought to himself while getting ready, "Hmm....wonder if there are going to be any pregnant women there tonight?" No, of course he didn't. Sorry, you are the minority as you are pregnant, so if you don't want to expose yourself or your child to airborne illnesses, may I suggest you stay in your house, inside a plastic bubble? Because I tell you, YOU need to look out for you, not expect other people to just fall all over themselves getting out of YOUR way.

    If I was that brother, I would have excused myself for having a cold, then I would have told you that if you didn't like it, YOU can get up off your ass and get back home. YOU'RE the pregnant lady, not I.

    Sorry, that's how I feel about it. When my wife was pregant during the winter and colds started going around, she stayed at home as much as possible to not be exposed, and stayed away from people as best she could to not get germs. She relied upon herself to keep away from people, not rely upon them to keep away from her.

    Sorry this sounds so harsh, but the entire attitude of the minority telling the majority what to do sickens me.

    - Wing Commander

  • undercover
    Sorry this sounds so harsh, but the entire attitude of the minority telling the majority what to do sickens me.

    Well, don't expect me to shake your hand then...

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Wingcommander WTF!......."The Minority" = People with colds not caring for "the Majority" = Healthy folks. I dont have any sick days left to take so people with colds can piss off home!

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