Is hanging snow flakes or autum stuff a NO NO too and will I get kicked out for it?
Hanging Snow flakes on my windows is that bad too?
by Cheetos 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
no it isn't. Jah made snowflakes and fall leaves. But he didn't make jack o lanterns. If they even question you about it they are A holes.
Oh you know the routine they associate snowflakes and snowmen with the dreaded "Christmas" Word.....
But just go for it.... -
At one point I spent a lot of energy trying to figure out what was technically Christmas and what was not.
Snowflakes were not. Snowmen were not. Santa, obviously, was.
But what about pine trees? If they weren't decorated, then they were OK. Decorated was a no-no. Gifts? Uh, probably bad, especially if wrapped in red and green paper. For that matter, what about the colors red and green in themselves? I had to conclude that they were Christmassy.
So my house decorations were very carefully chosen, as were my choice of song titles. I played "Jingle Bells" and "Winter Wonderland" as much as possible. Tried really really hard to find other unobjectionable songs of the season to play. Was pretty upset when "These Are A Few of My Favorite Things" became a "christmas song." NO! IT'S NOT!!
I even asked worldly people "are mittens and snowflakes a christmas decoration?" They all said, YES, and couldn't understand why I was trying to make such petty distinctions between decorations. -
Snowflakes are okay - as long as you're not humming Christmas songs when you hang them up (except for Jingle Bells - that one is okay).
Sounds ridiculous, right?
Jim TX -
Witness 007
I think you better hand youself in to the Elders so you don't miss the "Paradise Bus".....I saw too Ministerial Servants nearly come to blows about whether Wind-chimes are from Satan.
Don't forget about 'Let It Snow', thats another non-christmas song. BTW....'My Favorite Things' is not a christmas song.
Autumn leaves are fine, no jackolanterns though.
Snowflakes are fine, but no Santas.
Depends on how fussy your BOE is.
But snowflakes, autumn leaves, etc are nature. That's the stand I took. We would even use that fake snow in a can to spray on the windows. We cut out snowflakes and taped them to the windows.
There is :"Christmas" and then there is "Winter." If it is winter, no one can fault you.