An Interesting Dilemna Part 2

by mindfield 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • mindfield

    Okay, okay, so this isn't really a dilemna. I just want to hear your thoughts on this...

    It's CO week here in our cong...(woohoo) and I haven't went to the KH for about a month. My sis told me she'd really like it if I'd come, maybe just for tonight, since it's special (cough, cough) and to sit with her and her hubby. Now, the question is obvious: should I continue doing what I believe is right, not go to the KH in order to show my faith is nonexistent, or decreasing at least, or should I go tonight just to make my sister happy, but at the same time getting everybody's hopes up, getting a couple sour looks, getting into crappy conversations etc.

    Now, up to now i'm thinking I'm not going. It's not like she'd come to a Catholic church if I became catholic. And I don't really want to get bored stiff listening to BS all night long. Or even chuckle at nonsensical crap.

    Your thoughts? (please?)

  • Satanus

    Tell her you are willing to go, but you think you might have anthrax.


  • Fredhall


    Here is my thoughts. I would not go to the meetings for your sister. I would go there for Jehovah. And talking about BS; where else can you get better shit from?

  • RunningMan

    You appear to have the freedom to choose. Some of us are trapped by family
    ties and have no choice but to go.

    If I were in your shoes, I would not step foot in the God-forsaken Kingdom Hall
    again for the rest of my life..

    Also, don't forget the danger. You might meet a nice young sister and fall in love.
    Why get tangled up with them. Run.

  • JBean

    I just love Fred!
    Mindfield... isn't there a Charlie Brown special or something similar on tonite that you really need to see instead? : )

  • Satanus


    I know a place that sells the best mj. I can get you some if you want. I don't think they have any at your hall.


  • mindfield

    SS: Wouldn't work... I don't think terrorists are interested in Canadians!

    Fred: I agree... I should go there only if I believe the JW version of God is the correct one. You're correct on that point. And shit might be good or bad, but it's still shit.

  • mindfield

    True, true runningman. My thoughts exactly. (although there are no nice young sisters... except for one...aaaahh... she's beautiful...although the fact she avoids me might not be good...)

    I'll stay home then, and study for tests... although I could have done that all day long! (this board is too time-absorbing!)

  • ISP

    The worst thing would be to go and find out it was the written review....


  • Francois

    You wonder if you should go to make your sister happy? Won't that really create a false expectation for your sister that you might go again? How loving is that?

    Remember the advice of the WT about what your wife cooks for you? If you don't like it, it's better to be honest and say you don't like it. If you say you liked it - to make your wife happy - you run the risk of having it served to you again.

    The more you stir up shit, the more it stinks. Stay home. They haven't had anything really new in decades and decades. Perhaps your sister will be more inspired by your determination than she will be made happy by your caving in and giving up your principles, even if it is just for one night.

    And there was some "little" thing that Peter or Paul or one of 'em wanted Jesus to do, and his reaction was "Get behind me Satan."

    My two cents.


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