Tonight I was sent this E-mail by a conserned Brother it's going around gets wierder and dumber further down! Comments in brackets are mine.
Food for thought!!! T______ {No how are you just this comment and the article}
Hello Brothers, I want to share with you an important counsel I recieved from a brother {who?} about the changes about our bookstudy.
1. Satan's anger is growing! {Why?}- The society is getting us prepared for when the whole world goes under ban and the Kingdom Halls are shut down. When that happens we will already know how to conduct our meetings in a condensed format. We will need to meet in smaller groups in brothers homes {isn't this whats being cancelled?}....spiritual food in quicker format {Oh} so as not to arouse the suspicion by our neighbors. Also a Middle Eastern country has recently gone under ban, the government said it is to combat terrorism by not allowing religious groups to meet and preach. {which country?}
2.Did you notice the reason to condense meetings was not more time for field service, but more time for personal study? The governing body is trying to prepare us for what is about to take place.....the time will soon come when we might not have publications to study...3.Remember the story of Job? Job 1;9-12 Satan said that humans would not serve Jehovah without getting something in return. {like Paradise} Our meetings are a blessing and protection from Jehovah. If we added an extra meeting most people would continue to go to the extra meeting. {hell no!} By taking the meeting away he is giving us the chance to prove to him and Satan that we will worship him no matter what. That's why they said to do personal study on our own. We would not want to use the extra night to watch T.V or surf the web...lets apply the scripture today. Job 1;9 "Is it for nothing that Jehovah's Witnesses have feared you? Have you not given them three Meetings a week to get shelter from the world...The Elders call if they miss a meeting, their friends inquire about them if they are not there, they feel guilty about not going and only go to look good in front of their friends {true!}...but for a change thrust out your hand and take one Meeting away...and see if between Tuesday and Sunday they turn to doing bad....Television and the Net will be their personal study...Jehovah said; "I will take it away and see if between Tuesday and Sunday they turn to doing what is bad."....we know Satan goes after the weaker ones........
{It goes on but there you go Satan and Jehovah came to an agreement "Job" style to stop the bookstudy and test us all}