Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-09-08 WT Study (ESCAPE)

by blondie 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-09-08 WT Study (September 15, 2008, pages 3-7 (ESCAPE)Review comments will be in red
    WT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes
    w = Watchtower
    g = Awake
    jv = Proclaimers book

    Bible translations
    WT publications
    WT child abuse
    Blood issue
    United Nations

    "O God, do act quickly for me. You are my help and the Provider of escape for me. " Ps. 70:5


    This article is meant to introduce next week's article, "Jehovah is 'The Provider of Escape' for Us." The WTS basically again tries to tie in OT examples to Christian times, trying to tie in OT miracles to today when the WTS says such miracles do not occur.


    *** w98 9/1 p. 10 par. 8 Keep Safe as Part of God’s Organization ***

    How does God’s organization provide this protection? First, we have the unfailing support of Jehovah’s spirit servants. When Jesus was under intense pressure, he was ministered to by an angel. (Luke 22:43) When under threat of death, Peter was miraculously saved by an angel. (Acts 12:6-11) While there are no such miracles today, Jehovah’s people are promised angelic support in their preaching activity. (Revelation 14:6, 7)


    ***Close to Jehovahl chap. 7 p. 73 par. 15 Protective Power—“God Is for Us a Refuge” ***
    Consider, first, the matter of physical protection. As Jehovah’s worshipers, we can expect such protection as a group.


    Q 1, 2. (a) When do God's worshippers turn to him for help? (b) What question arises, and where can we find the answer?

    While on vacation, the parents of a 23-year-old married woman learn that their daughter has mysteriously disappeared. Foul play is suspected. At once they pack up and head for home, all the while beseeching Jehovah to help them. A 20-year old Witness is diagnosed with a disease that will eventually leave him completely paralyzed. Immediately he turns to Jehovah in prayer. A single mother struggling to find a job does not have enough money to buy food for herself and her 12-year-old daughter. She pours out her heart to Jehovah. Yes, when faced with severe trials or hardships, God's worshippers naturally turn to him for help. Have you ever called out to Jehovah in a time of desperate need?

    So how many of us had had these experiences? Aren't these the extreme end? What kind of situations are more realistic?

    God's worshippers--only jws

    2. An important question arises: Can we really expect Jehovah to respond to our prayers for help? The faith-strengthening answer is found in Psalm 70. This stirring psalm was written by David, a loyal worshipper of Jehovah who faced many difficult trials and challenges during his life. This inspired psalmist was moved to say of Jehovah: "O God, ... you are my help and the Provider of escape for me." (Ps. 70:5) An examination of Psalm 70 can help us to see why we too can turn to Jehovah in times of need and fully trust that he will be our "Provider of escape."

    OT example--David

    How could an adulterer and murderer be described as "loyal"?

    Should jws expect God to respond to their prayers with the miracles the Bible says God performed for David?

    "You Are ... the Provider of Escape"

    Q 3. (a) Psalm 70 contains what urgent cry for help? (b) What confidence docs David express in the 70th Psalm?

    3. Psalm 70 begins and ends with an urgent cry for God's help. (Read Psalms 70:1-5.) David implores Jehovah to "make haste" and to "act quickly" to deliver him. In the verses in between, David makes five petitions, each beginning with "may" and expressing a desire, or wish. The first three are about those trying to kill him. David petitions Jehovah to defeat these enemies and shame them for their wickedness. The next two pleas, in verse 4, relate to God's people. David prays that those seeking Jehovah be moved to rejoice and to magnify him. In concluding his psalm, David says to Jehovah: "You are my help and the Provider of escape for me." Notice that David does not say, "May you prove to be," as if making another petition. Instead, he says, "You are," expressing his confidence. David believes that he will receive divine help.

    Why should David expect God to protect him from those trying to kill him when he killed Uriah?

    Shame them...where was his shame?

    Q 4, 5. What do we learn about David from Psalm 70, and what confidence can we have?

    4. What does Psalm 70 indicate about David? When he had been faced with determined enemies who were out to take his life, David chose not to take matters into his own hands. Instead, he trusted that Jehovah would deal with the opposers in his own time and way. (1 Sam. 26:10) David continued firmly convinced that Jehovah helps and delivers those who seek him. (Heb. 11:6) David believed that such true worshippers have every reason to rejoice and to magnify Jehovah by teIiing others about his greatness. -Ps. 5: 11; 35:27

    So David did not take matters into his own hand? He never killed anyone or sent armies to do that?

    By using an OT example, notice how the WTS shuts Jesus out of the picture. Where is the telling of his greatness?

    5. Like David, we can have full confidence that Jehovah is our Helper and "the Provider of escape" for us. Hence, when we face diflicult trials or feel in desperate need of assistance, we can rightly pray that Jehovah quickly come to our aid. (Ps. 71:12) What, though, may Jehovah do in response to our prayers for assistance? Before we discuss how Jehovah may help us, let us examine three ways in which he provided David with escape, helping him in times of urgent need.

    "full confidence"--notice of often this phrase comes up.

    Does the WTS tell jws to expect individual protection?


    *** Close to Jehovah chap. 7 p. 72 par. 13 Protective Power—“God Is for Us a Refuge” ***
    The promise of divine protection does not mean that Jehovah is obligated to work miracles in our behalf.

    Delivered From Opposers

    Q 6. What helped David to know that Jehovah provides the righteous with escape?

    6. From the inspired Bible record then available, David knew that the righteous can count on Jehovah to help them. When Jehovah brought the Deluge upon an ungodly world, he preserved alive Noah and his God-fearing family. (Gen. 7:23) When Jehovah rained down lire and sulfur upon the wicked inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, he helped righteous Lot and his two daughters to escape with their lives. (Gen. 19:12-26) When Jehovah destroyed proud Pharaoh and his military forces in the Red Sea, He kept his people safe, thus helping them to escape a terrible end. (Ex. 14:19-28) Is it any wonder, then, that David in another psalm extolled Jehovah as "a God of saving acts"?-Ps. 68:20.

    OT--Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot and daughters

    All miracles...............

    Q 7-9. (a) What reason did David have for placing his trust in God's saving power? (b) Whom did David credit for his deliverance?

    7. David also had a very personal reason for placing his implicit trust in Jehovah's saving power. David had experienced lirsthand that Jehovah's "everlasting arms" can deliver those who serve Him. (Deut. 33:27, American Standard Version) On more than one occasion, Jehovah had saved David from the clutches of "angry enemies." (Ps. 18:17-19, 48) Consider an example.

    "implicit trust" = full confidence: In God or the WTS/FDS/GB?

    Why use another translation here, ASV? This was frequently used before the appearance of the NWT in 1950

    8. When the women of Israel began praising David for his military prowess, King Saul became so consumed with jealousy that on two occasions he hurled his spear at David. (1 Sam. 18:6-9) Both times David escaped the sharp tip of the spear. Was this simply because of David's skill and agility as an experienced warrior? No. The Bible record explains that "Jehovah was with him." (Read 1 Samuel 18:11-14.) Later, when Saul's scheme to have David killed by the Philistines failed, "Saul got to see and know that Jehovah was with David."-1 Sam. 18:17-28.


    So David could expect individual protection, but not Uriah or Jonathan?

    9. To whom did David give credit for his deliverance? The superscription to Psalm 18 says that David "spoke to Jehovah the words of this song in the day that Jehovah had delivered him ... out of the hand of Saul." David expressed his sentiments in song, saying: "Jehovah is my crag and my stronghold and the Provider of escape for me. My God is my rock. I shall take refuge in him." (Ps. 18:2) Is it not faith-strengthening to know that Jehovah is capable of delivering his people?-Ps. 35:10.

    So how was it that David was delivered but not the 70,000 Israelites who died because of David's "sin" of taking a census?

    Sustained Upon a Sickbed

    Q 10, 11. What helps us to determine when David may have experienced the sickness mentioned at Psalm 41?

    10. King David once experienced a severe sickness, which is mentioned in Psalm 41. Confined for a time to a sickbed, David was so ill that it seemed to some of his enemies that he would never "get up again." (Verses 7,

    The WTS here interprets the Bible account using "may." So should jws expect the same "protection" as David?

    11. For example, David refers to a trusted friend, one who used to eat bread with him, as betraying him. Verse 9) This may remind us of one incident in David's life. During Absalom's rebellion, David's trusted counselor Ahithophel turned traitor and joined Absalom in the revolt against the king. (2 Sam. 15: 31; 16:15) Just imagine the weakened king on his sickbed, with no strength to get up, all the while knowing that he was
    surrounded by conspirators who wished him dead so that they could carry out their evil plans. -Verse 5.

    Q 12, 13. (a) What confidence did David express? (b) How may God have strengthened David?

    12. David's trust in "the Provider of escape" did not waver. Concerning an upright worshipper who is ill, David said: "In the day of calamity Jehovah will provide escape for him. Jehovah himself will sustain him upon a divan of illness; all his bed you will certainly change during his sickness." (Ps. 41:1,3) Here again, notice David's confidence, as expressed in the words "Jehovah himself will." David was sure that Jehovah would provide escape for him. How?

    "confidence"? Where is the confidence in Jesus?

    13. David did not expect Jehovah to perform a miracle and remove the sickness. Rather, David felt certain that Jehovah would sustain him--that is, give him support and strength while he was lying on his sickbed. David definitely needed such help. In addition to the sickness that weakened him, he was surrounded by enemies who were saying evil things about him. (Verses 5, 6) Jehovah may well have strengthened David by bringing to his mind comforting thoughts. Notably, David said: "Because of my integrity you have upheld me." (Verse 12) David may also have found strength in reflecting on the fact that despite his weakened condition and the bad things that his enemies were saying, Jehovah regarded him as a man of integrity. David did finally recover from his sickness. Is it not reassuring to know that Jehovah can sustain those who are sick?-2 Cor. 1:3.

    So David did not expect.......?


    (Psalm 103:3) Him who is forgiving all your error, Who is healing all your maladies,

    Supplied With Sustenance

    Q 14, 15. When did David and his men find them selves in need of sustenance, and what help did they receive?

    14 When he became king of Israel, David could enjoy the best of food and drink and even invite many others to dine at his table. (2 Sam. 9:10) However, David also knew what it was like to be low on provisions. When his son Absalom organized a rebellion and tried to usurp the throne, David along with some loyal supporters moved out of Jerusalem. They fled to the land of Gilead, east of the Jordan River. (2 Sam. 17:22, 24) Forced to live as fugitives, David and his men soon found themselves in dire need of food and drink as well as rest. Where, though, would they find provisions in that relatively remote area?

    15. Finally, David and his men arrived at the city of Mahanaim. There they met three courageous men-Shobi, Machir, and Barzillai. They were willing to risk their lives to help the divinely appointed king, for if Absalom gained a firm hold on the kingship, he no doubt would severely punish anyone who had supported David. Recognizing the plight of David and his men, these three loyal subjects brought much needed supplies, including beds, wheat, barley, roasted grain, broad beans, lentils, honey, butter, and sheep. (Read 2 Samuel 17:27-29.) The extraordinary loyalty and hospitality of these three men must have touched David's heart. How could David ever forget what they did for him"!

    "divinely appointed" per the WTS means jws who claim to be anointed today, especially the "governing body"

    Should the rank and file jw today risk their lives to feed the "governing body"?

    Q 16. Who was ultimately responsible for providing David and his men 'with sustenance?

    16 Who, though, was ultimately responsible for providing David and his men with sustenance? David was convinced that Jehovah cares for his people. Jehovah can surely give other servants of his a nudge, so to speak, moving them to come to the aid of a fellow worshipper in need. When reflecting on what happened in the land of Gilead, David no doubt saw the kindness of those three men as an expression of Jehovah's loving care. Toward the end of his life, David wrote: "A young man I used to be, I have also grown old, and yet I have not seen anyone righteous [including him] left entirely, nor his offspring looking for bread." (Ps. 37:25) Is it not comforting to know that Jehovah's hand is never short"!-Prov. 10:3.

    "give other servants of his a nudge"--I can think of many times when God gave jws the "nudge" and they expected God to perform a miracle or use someone else.

    While God's hand may not be short, many jws have suffered because of the lack of love of so-called loving Christians in their own congregation.

    "Jehovah Knows How to Deliver People"

    Q 17. What has Jehovah time and again demonstrated?

    17. David was just one of many worshippers for whom Jehovah provided escape in Bible times. Since David's time, God has time and again demonstrated the truthfulness of the apostle Peter's words: "Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial." (2 Pet. 2:9) Consider two more examples.

    So how did these jws receive escape from God? Does God choose some to die and some to live?


    *** w04 12/1 p. 28 Trusting in Jehovah’s Loving Care ***When my parents’ prison sentences expired in 1940, the Nazis offered to free them if they would renounce their faith. They held fast and were then sent to concentration camps, Father to Dachau and Mother to Ravensbrück. In the winter of 1941, my mother and other female Witnesses in the camp refused to do work for the military. As punishment, they were made to stand in the cold for 3 days and 3 nights, after which they were locked up in dark cells and put on starvation rations for 40 days. Then they were flogged. Mother died on January 31, 1942, three weeks after a savage beating.

    Father was transferred from Dachau to Mauthausen in Austria. In this camp the Nazis systematically murdered prisoners through starvation and crushing physical labor. But six months after Mother died, the Nazis killed my father by a different method—medical experiments. The camp doctors deliberately infected human guinea pigs with tuberculosis. Afterward, the prisoners received a lethal injection in the heart. The official record states that Father died of “a weak heart muscle.” He was 43 years old. I learned about the brutal murders only months later. The memory of my beloved parents still brings tears to my eyes. Yet, then as now, I am comforted in knowing that Mother and Father, who had the hope of heavenly life, are safe in Jehovah’s hands.


    *** yb00 p. 170 Czech Republic ***
    After this blessing Sister Nováková had another experience—difficult, yet faith strengthening. She recalled: “One day I was called to the washroom. It was a washroom with showers, but when the showers were turned on, there was gas instead of water. Poisoned women, sometimes still alive, were thrown into ovens. I wasn’t aware of it until a female guard told me: ‘So you, Bibelforscher [as Jehovah’s Witnesses
    were called], you’re going into the gas! Now let’s see if your Jehovah will save you!’” As Sister Nováková turned away, tears filled her eyes, and she prayed: “Father Jehovah, please, if I am to die, may your will take place. But I pray in behalf of my children. I fully entrust them into your care.”

    Relating what happened then, she said: “As I was praying, the door opened and the head doctor entered, saw my purple triangle, and said: ‘Bibelforscher, what are you doing here? Who sent you here?’ I answered that I had been sent by the guard. He said: ‘Get out of here! Your place is there!’ and he pointed toward the door. As I was leaving, I heard the guard remark: ‘Now I believe that their Jehovah is protecting them.’”

    Q 18. How did Jehovah provide deliverance in Hezekiah's day?

    18. When the mighty Assyrian army invaded Judah and threatened Jerusalem in the eighth century B.C.E., King Hezekiah prayed: "O Jehovah our God, save us ... that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you, O Jehovah, are God alone." (Isa. 37:20) Hezekiah's main concern was God's name and reputation. Jehovah answered that fervent prayer. In just one night, a single angel struck down 185,000 Assyrians, providing deliverance for Jehovah's faithful servants.-lsa. 37: 32,36.


    So can jws today expect God to send an angel to kill 185,000 of their enemies?

    Q 19. By heeding what warning did first-century Christians escape calamity?

    19. Just days before his death, Jesus gave a prophetic warning for the benefit of his disciples in Judea. (Read Luke 21:20-22.) Decades passed, but in 66 C.E., a Jewish revolt brought Roman forces against Jerusalem. The legions under Cestius Gallus succeeded in undermining part of the temple wall; then they suddenly withdrew. Recognizing this as an opportunity to escape the destruction that Jesus had foretold, faithful Christians fled to the mountains. The Roman legions returned in 70 C.E. This time they did not withdraw, and Jerusalem was completely destroyed. The Christians who had heeded Jesus' warning escaped that terrible calamity. -Luke 19:41-44.

    So did the ones above in the camps receive an opportunity to escape their destruction? (The only NT example)

    Q 20. Why can we trust in Jehovah as our "Provider of escape"?

    20. It is faith-strengthening to reflect on the evidence that Jehovah helps his people. What he did in the past gives us basis for confidence. No matter what challenges we may be facing now or may yet encounter in the future, we too can put full trust in Jehovah as our "Provider of escape." How, though, may Jehovah provide us with escape? And what about the individuals mentioned at the outset? How did matters turn out for them? Let us see in the following article.

    his people--only jws

    "full trust" in God or the WTS?

    Who only will escape....jws


    *** w89 9/1 p. 19 par. 7 Remaining Organized for Survival Into the Millennium ***
    Only Jehovah’s Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the “great crowd,” as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil. (Revelation 7:9-17;
    2 Corinthians 4:4) They will make up the “flesh” that Jesus Christ said would be saved through the worst tribulation of all human history.

    Do You Recall?
    Psalm 70 gives us reason for what confidence?
    How was David sustained during illness?
    What examples show that Jehovah can deliver his people from opposers?


    Next week, the WTS will try to explain how examples of individual protection can encourage jws today but saying at the same time "as individuals, we know that our immediate physical protection is not guaranteed."

    Love, Blondie

  • moomanchu

    Excellent comments,

    Thinking about these old testament stories in dub terms, and applying them to modern day people:

    David would be comparable to ted Jaracz.

    Joe publisher would be the guy on the front line in battle.

    Ted would have Jehovahs protection, Joe would be dead.

    Now what?

    Watchtower you are f****d up

  • DaCheech

    thanks for the hard work

  • shopaholic

    Thanks for providing this information week after week.

  • BluesBrother

    Jehovah "provides escape"?? Does he?

    I am not criticizing God...but just questioning the WT policy that seems to cover all bases, from all angles.

    Supposing you come home one night and surprise a burglar just in the act of robbing you, and he flees empty handed . There are a good many dubs (encouraged in this thinking by the WT) who then thank God for this escape from the loss of possessions and are convinced the God moved them to come home early ..

    Alternatively, you come home and find your home ransacked..They still thank Jehovah for whatever is left. They feel strengthened (par 13) by their faith and never curse their bad luck or misfortune. Now that may be a healthy attitude, but is it really the escape of God?

    It just seems that whatever happens they twist it to say that God's hand was with them, as though they are special when the Kingdom Hall in Australia was bombed a while back - I never could buy into that attitude

  • DoomVoyager

    Even more useful to me now that I don't attend! Thanks!

  • Kosonen

    I'm like you dissapointed with the "organization". But why to question the truthness of God's word? If Jehovah God forgave David's sins and Jesus is called, "the son of David", does it not show that God still loves David and will resurrect him? I know that it is not allways easy to accept all things in the Holy Scriptures, but the holy spirit can help anyone to come to know the depth and length of the knowledge of God.

  • DoomVoyager

    Kosonen: the majority of us here, including myself, are agnostic/atheist, so that's an argument you'd do best to leave for another day.

  • bobld


    Talk of BS,they sound like those TV evangelizers.They also throw in things about people who disagree with this BS.Things like enemies of David,etc.

    I wonder why God sent his son to undone A/E sin, set a time limit and didn't keep it.See the three EX. they gave about God killing people before his own time limit.(flood,S/G,angel of death and many others)


  • insearchoftruth

    Thanks again Blondie, my wife should be home soon, so at least I have an idea what her mindset may be from the WT study, I just wish I knew what the public talk topic was so I could preview that outline!

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