I must say I was shocked

by mouthy 35 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mouthy

    When I tuned in ( late) to the conferance call last night. Barbara Anderson was on & believe me blew my mind about the lies in the WT
    When I was "ousted"in 1987 I was out "in the world" still believing it was the truth. It was utter hell
    But after listening to Barb last night & the extensive work she has done to uncover the truth about the WT amazes me!!!!
    If only I had known this back then,It would have saved me two years( that is how long I felt like Judas)
    I must thank her VERY MUCH!! also Rick & Inez for allowing this woman who was right in the Bethel House & can PROVE what she is saying is truth.

    I also admired her when she stated we must PROVE what we are saying about the WT, for instance another on the phone( Heidi) mentioned that David Ike said that in the tunnels under the Bethel that satanic rituels took place UttER GARBAGE in my opinion. ( I hope I heard that right Heidi)

    So God Bless Barbara Anderson for all the work your doing.

    Mouthy Grace Gough

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    What did Barb say Grace?

    Satanic rituals, LOL. That sort of talk is a gift to the WT and their "crazy apostate" straw man.

  • BabaYaga

    Hear, hear, Beloved Grace! I agree with you completely!!! Thank you, Barb, for all the cold, hard PROOF you have put out here!!!


  • mouthy

    What did Barb say Grace?

    Oh SO MUCH!!!! I suggest you listen next wednesday to the repeat of it on sixscreens of the watchtower It truly is worth the listen .


    Mouthy..Ike is an Idiot..He believes Lizard People run the governments..As funny as that sounds,I`m not joking...........................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • mouthy

    Yes outlaw I thought he sounded weird

  • nelly136
  • dinah

    Nelly, LOL! What do Kris Kristofferson and Boxcar Willie have to do with world dominiation?? Guy must be a real crackpot.

    Hey Granny!! I've missed you. I'll make sure I listen to Barbara on Six Screens when that call in posted.

  • mouthy

    Hey Granny!! I've missed you. I'll make sure I listen to Barbara on Six Screens when that call in posted.

    Thanks DI!!! I learned stuff I never knew about the WT & I thought I knew it all LOL

  • skeeter1

    I missed Barbara Anderson. I didn't know she was to be on the call. I would have gotten the popcorn and dialed in. :=( Bummer. Skeeter

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