In anticipation of next Sunday's WT...

by Mickey mouse 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Too bad they weren't retried, found guilty and imprisoned for 20 years. Maybe this bastard cult wouldn't exist today.

    wow...and that means I would never have had to go through all this dad would have retired from the military instead of leaving 3 years shy of retirement, giving up a pension, getting shunned for federal jobs because they thought he was nuts for dropping out shy of retirement, I would have gone to college at 20 instead of 36....

    it is interesting to speculate on how JW history would have changed...and the ripple effect of all the people who could have done more useful things with their lives instead of door knocking for the cult....maybe real cancer would have been cured by now.... instead of the WT Cancer continuing

    oh well... I am out.... and nearly mentally free.... I guess an inactive JW friend of mine said it right the other day..."{Snakes}, when you stop posting on those anti-JW boards, then you will actually be free of the witnesses....thats why I dont go to those sites..."

    He is probably right....though for now the IRL support I am getting from some I met here has been crucial for getting out...I cant imagine being at the WT Sunday.....

    Snakes ()

  • cameo-d

    Just curious, but is this Finished Mysteries book based on the myth of Egyptian mysticism?

    During the early 1800's there was a new occult philosophy connected to the pyramids and the sphinx and ideas pretending to be based on the Egyptian Mystery Schools. It was later refuted by archeological and scientific evidence, but the facts made no impact on its followers. (sound familiar?) The greatest promoter of this "invented" mysticism of Egypt were the Freemasons.

    The 18th century witnessed the rise of a first authentically historicist imagination, one that attempted to picture the cultures of the distant past as truly different in kind, not merely in curious detail and superstitious idolatry. Early in the century, Jean Terrasson had written Sethos, a work of fiction, which launched the notion of Egyptian Mysteries. In an atmosphere of antiquarian interest, a sense arose that ancient knowledge was somehow embodied in Egyptian monuments and lore. Following the Rosicrucian example, an Egyptian imagery pervaded the European Freemasonry of the time and its imagery, such as the eye on the pyramid

    If the book is based on these ideas, they have been proven fraudulant and contrived.

  • WTWizard

    I wish I would have been on that appeals committee. Not only would I have upheld the original charges, but I would have added additional ones. Like hijacking a religious group to start an even worse cult. Those guys would have been in jail for 25 years to life if I were issuing the sentence.

  • Number1Anarchist

    There was more pages in the book!

    This is from the court transcripts i think!

    Check these other pages out! Thx

    Pages 247-253, 289, 406, Sub-title, “They have blown the Trumpet” ... , page 407, and 469

  • mavie

    Thank you.

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