by Number1Anarchist 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Number1Anarchist

    Ok, What article in the Proclaimers book makes you Vomit the most?

    I will name a few!

    Pg. 68 part of paragraph 2.

    As a result, after the summer of 1917, a number of congregations of bible students were split into two groups, those loyal to the society and those who were easy prey to the smooth talk of the opposers!

    Pg. 75 paragraph 4

    Brother rutherford, he had Developed a weakened lung condition, and as a result, after his release he contracted a severe case of pneumonia. So, shortly afterward his ill health made it necessary for him to go to California, where he had some Relatives!

    These relatives couldn't happen to be his wife and son?

    They would normaly be called, your family?

    Unless i'm wrong, what other relatives did he have in California?

    All kinds of hideing and half truths!

    Let me know what makes you Vomit!

  • civicsi00

    This one:

    "C. T. Russell was a man of positive convictions. Convinced that Christ's invisible presence had begun, he was determined to proclaim it to others." Pg. 47, first paragraph at the top of the page.

    Why does this piss me off? Russell was a false prophet, and instead the Society whitewashes all his false prophecies, as IF to say that ALL the "positive convictions" of false prophecies could bring any sort of GLORY to God Himself! It DOESN'T matter if anyone has all the "positive convictions" in the world... If you proclaim falsehoods in the name of God, then you merit the punishment that goes with false prophesying.

    In ancient Israel, if someone was false prophesying, the people wouldn't just go "Oh, but he is such a nice man. Let's not stone him. Plus he seemed sincere about his convictions." LOL...

  • oompa

    i will have to find the quote and page...but is a footnote of course...that says russell used bad data and still came up with 1914 while trying to confirm the other guys idea (warren miller) who gave him the nutty idea in the first place............oompa

  • Number1Anarchist

    Exactly! False prophet who spoke lies and deceived people into believing 1914 was the End and all that measuring of the great pyramid! I tried to show my wife that book by C.T. Russel the Great pyramid passages VII. She ran from that like it was apostate material , she would'nt even look at it. lol. If you have not read it which i have'nt but it's fun to read out of it's like the looniest Horse Shit you could possible read. I'm sure back in those day all those numbers impressed people but today it looks like Quakery! Total nonsense!

    Ya Oompa, I think i read that he was supported by some Archeologist in his first book with the numbers he wrote and when he had to correct himself in the second book the guy was dead and he used his name again to support totaly different Nothing like using a dead guys name to support numbers he never supported.

  • insearchoftruth

    Is the pyramid book the Finished Mystery??

  • Number1Anarchist

    I pm'd you insearchoftruth!

    Great pyramid passages VII

  • Farkel

    :Is the pyramid book the Finished Mystery??

    Russell talked most about the great pyramid in volume III of Studies in the Scriptures. I believe that volume was called Thy Kingdom Come. In that volume he called the Pyramid "god's stone witness and prophet.

    The Finished Mystery was completed after Russell's death by Joe ("Grudge") Rutherfraud.


  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    I enjoyed reading the first couple of chapter where they claimed their history originated! That was hard to track down and what the people believed and who they were during Luthern's time. Although the millenium movement was great fun, it was the people Luther sent a letter to the king. Just another lie. LOL too funny!

    Anything dealing with Woodrow Wilson and how Rutherford got thrown in prison.

    One time I calculated the ending of Russell freindship and they were all the same time frames. LOL

    I liked when they admit to changing the times of when Jesus was to return.

    How stupid they are to write half truths as if people could not look it up in newpapers and WTBTold books!

    I liked reading the small foot notes and checking out the books they quoted! Some of it was border line demonic!

    Oh you said quotes!

    How about when they quoted Jesus famous words Luke 19:40
    "And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stoneswould immediately cryout."
    Tand re write them as "The stones would cry out if it were not for Russell" I guess he antitypical fullfillment of Jesus words.

  • Number1Anarchist

    Sarah that's some great information!

    That last one is seriously sickening to say that the stones would cry out if it wasn't for Russel. There basicaly calling Russel God. that is demonic.

    Thx for the great comment.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    After the pyramid references and about the stones crying out, I was reminded of this from Thy Kingdom Come "The Great Pyramid" p. 376:

    And when the Pharisees were urging him to rebuke them, he answered, "I tell you that if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out." (Luke 19:37-40) And so it is to-day:.... lo, the very stones of this Great Pyramid of Testimony are crying out in no uncertain tones. Every inch of this massive structure is eloquently proclaiming the wisdom and power and grace of our God.

    Russell's Studies in the Scriptures are nonsense. The dubs should have removed any reference to CT Russell in Proclaimers.

    B the X

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