In Bali yesterday three Terrorist who bombed two night clubs killing and injuring many hundreds of Aussies were executed by firing squad. Huge crowds of angry people showed up to support these martyrs. In bali most people treat them like rock stars....the same with 9/11 middle eastern people dancing in the streets. I know christians do bad things too but I can't imagine huge groups dancing in the street because a building blew up killing thousands of innocent people. They just seem un-human to do that. Allah is merciful right? I understand their suffering but this is not the answer. These three muslim terrorists are gonna be suprised when they find themselves in Muslim hell without the 70 virgins!
Aussie news today Are most Muslim crazed fanatics or what?
by Witness 007 11 Replies latest jw experiences
Here are some questions for ya:
Do the Muslims who participate in such retributive jubilation do so as Muslims per se or as Muslims who are also victims of American political and economic hegemony?
Christians vs Muslims? I don't like making such seemingly neat comparisons between two groups that are different not only in their religious upbringing but also in socio-economic status, cultural environment etc. Here's an example:
*Why do the majority of Bible-belt Christians derive more pleasure than Indonesian Muslims in denying same-sex couples the right to marry?*
Can you see what erroneous assumptions I make to ask such a question? Plenty of homophob..I mean conservative Christians who vocally express their "personal opinion" here on JWD would be glad to jump in to wag their fingers at my sample question. They wouldn't be so eager to correct any perceived callousness on the part of Muslims though.
Btw, what gave you the impression that the Balinese treat the Bali bombers "like rock stars", Witness007? The impression I have is that most Balinese people are ANGRY with the bombers (who were from Muslim Java, not Hindu Bali). The funerals for these bombers were held in Java, not Bali.
Liberal Muslims exist ( I am not condoning the actions of stupid Muslims when I mention the liberals. I do not show I love stupid homophobic Christians when I mention that liberal, inclusivist Christians exist.
too many muslims go nudge, nudge wink wink at muslim terrorists though
what's the difference between a US jet and a British soldier killing innocent Iraqi civilians and Bali terrorists killing innocent tourists?....oh yeah.....propaganda........if they have a uniform it is okay...................................two legs good....four legs bad.......
How about that some rotten people murdered some other people who they considered to be living western style hedonistic lifestyles ,and the main body of Muslims considered this to be shocking.It would'nt be the first time people have butchered people like this ...look at Christian Ireland ,was'nt much Christian charity shown setting off bombs there.
True Christians give their allegiance to the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. They do not support the unjust political wars of Christendom or the thousands of innocent deaths that result from these wars. Still, even the “Christians” of Christendom do not revel at the demonic attitude the Islamic terrorists have.
Having said the above, it seems as if we have some Islamic apologists posting here. Why bring up the ungodly acts of those purporting to be Christians to excuse the terrorist acts of the Islamists? It is the blame game right?
True Christians give their allegiance to the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. They do not support the unjust political wars of Christendom or the thousands of innocent deaths that result from these wars.
Well, this century anyway. LOL. I guess you'd have to know about Phillip of Spain and his war on England. You know, "true" Christians such as the Catholics, declaring "Holy War" (jihad) on the English protestants.
It never ceases to amaze me how few people understand the Christian Inquisition and fail to relate it to Muslim Extremists.
Hopefully Muslims will "grow up" before they kill us all, and they'll learn to live and let live.
"too many muslims go nudge, nudge wink wink at muslim terrorists though"
But how many is "too many"? Who is doing the counting? Fox News? Michelle Malkin? And again I have to ask, what sort of a Muslim are you talking about? Bin Laden? Tariq Ramadan? Waleed Aly? Anwar Ibrahim? Do you know who are the latter three?
Is it logically sound for me to use the entire congregation of the Westboro Baptist Church as a measure of what Christians do? How about the Mormons? JWs?
Don't get me wrong. I agree with you, stilla, and believe it is morally wrong for any Muslim to justify terrorist acts with the grievances done to his/her homeland or religious/ethnic community.
But what I ask is that you clarify what you mean by "too many Muslims" or as the thread title says "most Muslims".
How many Christians does it take to oppose abortion and gay rights for me to decide that most Christians are misogynists and homophobes?
The stupid response to this problem (as FairMind has so unwittingly demonstrated) is to say that there are "Christians" and there are TRUE Christians.
According to this twisted logic, when some Christians do something shitty, it's because they are not the holiest bunch. But when Muslims do something shitty, the majority of them are accomplices one way or another.
Witness 007
In Bali riot Police were called in to control the terrorist supporters so I used the term "most Muslims loosely..."many Muslims perhaps"....even my brother-inlaw who is muslim thinks terrorism is justified because of what America is doing....I agree America sucks and has killed many a thousand but blowing up innocent people and then people filling the streets to rejoice is not the way.
Justitia Themis
Define "muslim." Turkey is a secular state comprised of Muslims. Compare that to the statistic that the vast majority of "muslim" men who engage in honor killings are so unfaithful that they don't even participate in Friday prayers.
"Who Speaks for Islam" by Esposito