most dubs are exactly like us faded ones!...l have proven it lately

by oompa 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • eyeslice

    Hi Oompa

    Some excellent observations. I think that the majority of Witnesses now have serious doubts but won't face up to them. Many are elderly and have nowhere else to turn to. Many have family in, and unlike those of us here have not chosen to cut ties with family or friends that we have had for years.

  • oompa

    this is actually a bttt...if that is what is back to the top is...but guys...i am having great sucess with this with old friends that may have felt a little odd hangin with the oompster....and ya....i have sent my info to a bunch of you guys who requested the info in pms....hope it helps.....but my wife will not even read it.......damm.......oompa

  • peggy

    Actually, many of the young ones have no idea what JW's believe. They have avoided study of WT lit. and usually check out mentally while at the meetings. They are there for one thing, social connection.

    Just last week I had lunch with an old friend and his wife. He mentioned that his father had died. He had not seen him for decades, seemed unmoved by his death. Surprisingly, he said we are ALL gonna die. No big deal! Now this is a current elder, company man. I had to speak up! WHAT? Were we not taught that we would all live forever. My mother expected NEVER to die! She has been a witness for 40 years. Did we not have lit. which said that Millions now living would never die!?

    They seemed unfazed... very sad.

  • oompa
    peggy: She has been a witness for 40 years. Did we not have lit. which said that Millions now living would never die!?

    They seemed unfazed... very sad.

    ya is very sad...i have finally agreed that we will grow old...and sucks..........oompa

  • sweetstuff

    Great work Oompa, on a recent visit with my mom I got her to admit (after a very heated debate) she would leave the "truth" if I could prove from the bible that WTS is not the Big J's org on earth. Of course, the guilt mechanism kicked in right afterward and she wouldn't let me prove anything, but I felt a ting of doubt in her due to the conversation and hopefully someday, she'll actually let me show her some proof. Not holding my breath, but it would be wonderful, if nothing else, for her to at least concede privately to herself that something stinks in Denmark.

  • oompa

    Denmark?...i thought you were in canada?...i'll give you a ting....but i hope i will only give you a

  • sweetstuff

    LOL, yes I meant tinge. Damn spelling police.

  • oompa

    I bump this in case it can help easy rider find some common ground issue with his wife...and also to add yet another JW (MY MOM!)...who has sided with us faders/apostates on one very major and too often painful issue....i was bringing her up to speed on many of the JW lies...and told her how glad i was that she does not shun my 23 years dfd son....and how it made me actually sick when my elder/dad turned and walked away from my son when he walked up...and he will not come out of his study if my son goes to his house for lunch....

    my mom and jw son do not shun my son at private just WENT OFF on how strongly she disagrees with WT letting kids get baptized, and like me was VERY against my sons getting baptized at 16....neither was ready....the 23 year old was just horny for a jw girl getting baptized and most of his friends were getting hey....lets go swimming.....stupid....and she pretty much HATES my old elders that allowed him to get baptized when his parents were so strongly against it....event he WT has said that in the first century only adults were that is one of few if not only way they do copy the early christians....btw....V has a great video about the idiocy and hypocrisy of allowing baptism when they claim youths are too young to date or marry...................oompa

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    When I was a full on dub I disagreed with many of the teachings (mainly the one that only JW's would be saved, although the supposed fulfillment of scripture by the events that happened to the witnesses in the 19020's didn't at all ring true either). However, when you have the overall belief that you are still the only true religion on the earth then you simply put them all up on the shelf and forget about it all. Until that is, the shelf becomes overloaded and all it takes is one little thing and the whole thing comes crashing down. Some people have bigger shelves than others though.

    My mum is still a JW but doesn't agree with many of the teachings but justifies them ALL by saying that God is still using the organisation and that no one else is doing any better than the witnesses. Cognitive dissonance at its finest. She wont educate herself to reach other any opinion but I beleive it is because she has invested too much of her life in the religion and cannot bear to lose her closest friends. Her choice but a frustrating one for us, although we are fortunate that she doesn't shun us or her grandchildren, unlike Besty's mother and brother (although I don't think they have ANY doubts, they bought and paid for the deluxe model of blinkers....)

  • moshe

    Good story Oompa. JW's don't like facing the facts about thier convoluted teachings.

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