How Much $$$ Will You Spend This XMas?

by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    This will be my first Christmas, since leaving the cult. We're going to keep things simple.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    I have a really LARGE family, and I spend about $35-50 on each person, normally. This year, I decided that it would be a little less in the $ department and more in the home made department, so I decided to make jalapeno jelly for everyone as an adjuntant gift. I spent three hours on Sunday chopping up the jalapenos, taking the seeds out with my fingers, and making the jelly. About Sunday afternoon, my hands started burning like they hand just been in a house fire. The palms, fingertips, and between the fingers were on fire. I spent two days (til this morning) with ice packs on my hands. My husband looked up on the Internet how to get rid of the burning. Some of the remedies: Chlorox, olive oil, rubbing your hands through you hair, etc. I tried them all. None worked. Just this morning the burning stopped, except one little finger tip.

    NEVER chop 3 lbs of jalapenos with ungloved hands. No wonder law enforcement uses pepper spray!


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    zero. I've always hated Christmas

  • Purza

    Definitely less this year. I am not buying anything for my husband and he (better not) be buying anything for me. We do not NEED anything else - we have plenty. We will get the kids a few things, but definitely not crap made in China.

    Total amount - probably $300+/-


  • beksbks

    Hmmmm too much. I'm crazy for Christmas, and so is Honey Bunny. Bad combo. But we love it so!!!

  • Purza
    NEVER chop 3 lbs of jalapenos with ungloved hands.

    I second that. And if you do chop it with ungloved hands - do not rub your eyes!!! (experience speaking).

    Hey Countrygirl, that jalapeno jam sounds interesting. Do you have a recipe?


  • LouBelle

    Not as much as last year that is for sure. I have a large family and also give to a couple of my good mates, it does get really expensive. Last year I spent a fortune on gifts. Not this year!

    I haven't even started shopping yet, though I do have all my decorations

  • WTWizard

    As much as it takes to get the whole place 100% decorated in the halls. And that's a lot of tinsel garland.

  • QuestioningEverything

    Not sure yet. This will be my first year celebrating since I was about 8 years old. I just made the decision to do it in Mid-october so there hasn't been any time to prepare. I want this year to be the one that makes up for all of the lost years for my kids. I've bought the wrapping paper and made the lists of presents I want to buy. Very exciting!! Next year, I will be way more prepared.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    $10 on a bottle of bubbly to drink by myself......rented DVD from Blockbuster $5 .........Frozen Pizza dinner $ of tissues to cry myself too sleep $2 ......not remembering Christmas the next day.....priceless!

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