An earlier tread shows that some of you did FS after realizing important things.
But did you pray at the meetings/bookstudy??
That must have been weird???
Pleas tell us.
by Samuel Thorsen 19 Replies latest jw friends
An earlier tread shows that some of you did FS after realizing important things.
But did you pray at the meetings/bookstudy??
That must have been weird???
Pleas tell us.
My prayers were scripted as I was nervous as hell!
Yes - only one - the theocratic school - to give my last talk **shrug** But I wasn't allowed to do it in the end and ended up walking out of the hall halfway during the meeting.
No, prayers were the first thing I stopped doing. I then started rejecting some talks that I found too disturbing and eventually stopped giving talks all together.
I prayed many times knowing i had strong doubts....that was bad enough.....but i think as my faith tanked...then service....then meetings....then privleges....i probably never was even asked anymore....same reason they stopped giving me parts...(I have TD Diplompa)......they were afraid i would go off on the fds and expose some lies...............oompa
I quit attending meetings, Field Service, etc. as soon as I realized something just wasn't right with the JW religion.
I once had to pray for the bookstudy and I had worked a long shift and was dead tired so I said: "Our dear heavenly father Jehovah................sigh.............." I had a total mental blank from being tired, and frankly my dear not giving a Damn! I managed afew "Help the brothers overseas who are suffering....those not here tonight" etc etc.
Yes I did, I gave a fairly standard generic JW prayer except that I cleverly omitted the name "Jehovah", intending to refer anyone who challenged me to Matthew 6 where Jesus also failed to use the name in a model for how his followers should pray.
But nobody noticed. Same thing happened with my subtly apostate answers in the Watchtower study. So in the end I just stopped going.
Oops misread the topic. Ah well.
Sure. Prayed and gave talks. They are just very short now since it's all a waste of time anyway.
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