Do You Support Jehovah's Witnesses in ANY Way???

by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • insearchoftruth

    I am married to one with whom the WTS is flirting........

  • Caedes

    Yes, I support an individuals right to belong to a stupid cult, to fail to do any critical thinking and to let a bunch of crooks do it for them. I do not support their right to inflict that misery on their children.

  • caliber

    I support the people as individuals if ever set apart from group think. Just as I hope they can see me apart from my belief system.


  • yknot

    Financially......... nope!

    Do I contribute fake FS hours.......yes

    Do I agree with some opinions still ......yes

    Do I believe in religious freedom......yes

  • eyeslice

    Not directly but my wife is still in. There is a diffference between the people, 'Jehovah's Witnesses' and the religion know by the same name.

  • MadGiant


    Take care,


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    No not at all , I consider people that get involved with these cults quite irresponsible in their attitude and they typically display

    a exalted arrogance over everyone that doesn't have a JW member card pinned to their chest. .

    They support nothing but complacent ignorance toward humanity, so therefore why support them !

  • bonnzo

    i do same as ynot, but contribute to local hall a small. congo is 70% retired and most on limited income(only 80 pubs. w/60-70 regular attendees). feel guilty to make them pay light bills & mortgage, i make more than all but one family. dont help much, tho and NOTHING EVER goes to world wide work. i know how much those cocksuckers have coming to their coffers each month and how valuable their real estate is.

  • undercover

    I support their freedom of religion as much as I would any other religion. I support their freedom of speech as much as I would any other religion.

    Outside of that I don't support them any more than I would any other religion that bases its hopes and beliefs on myths and legends.

  • hybridous

    Ah - Undercover beat me to it...

    I support and recognize the right of an individual to adopt or discard any belief system as they see fit.

    Just don't abridge my right of free speech when I hold your belief system to the fire of logical scrutiny.

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