Sat. Nov. 8 conference call was heard all over the world. Many former Jehovah's Witnesses, active Jehovah's Witnesses and others dialed in to listen to Barbara Anderson giving us more of the real history of the Watchtower org. Truly fascinating as Barbara revealed the strange relationship that Charles Taze Russell had with his wife, Maria.Barbara shared some of the secrets that have been hidden for decades and our audience couldn't get enough. As one of our listeners stated (Mouthy) "I was shocked"! Our London correspondent. Heidi King, was also on the call and she has much to say on how the org. affected her life. To listen to this recorded call, go to When on the home page, scroll down to conference call click and then click Nov.8 call.
Barbara Anderson shares more secrets-listen in !
by kool aid man06 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
yadda yadda 2
Very interesting but with all due respect, who cares that much about C T Russell's wife. When I was fully in the borg I used to be utterly contemptous of the way 'apostates' always seemed to hark on about things that happened 100 years ago. How about a few more secrets about whats happening inside the Watchtower presently. Aren't there any spies at Brooklyn?
yadda yadda 2,
Your screen name speaks volumes.
:When I was fully in the borg I used to be utterly contemptous of the way 'apostates' always seemed to hark on about things that happened 100 years ago.
When I was fully in the apostate realm I became utterly contemptuous of the way believers always seem to hark on about things that happened THOUSANDS OF YEARS ago.
It is an established axiom that those who don't learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.
The WT religion is totally and absolutely and irretrievably DEFINED today by their past. Of course WT members and especially their spiritual masters don't want to face the past, so they stick their heads in the sand or lie about it, or try to "revise" it. To do otherwise is just too damned embarrassing and demolishes all their claims of being the earthly spokesmen for God Himself.
Farkel -
yadda yadda 2
Farkel..with all due respect, your screen name says a lot about you too: F*ck all.
ad hominem attacks ------
The WTS has revealed little about Maria Russell and Mary Rutherford (1993 Proclaimers book had just a brief footnote).
I am looking forward to Barb's book on Maria Russell. I wish there could be a book on Mary Rutherford. I think if many jws had had access to the history of the WTS in a cohesive form, they would have left or never joined.
George Santayana: Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
yadda yadda 2,
:Farkel..with all due respect, your screen name says a lot about you too: F*ck all.
With all due respect, I actually made an argument as to why the past is important, and with all due respect, you didn't address that argument and all you made was an extremely lame pun.
Farkel -
Whatever it was that made Barbara Anderson to keep account of the things occuring in the Bethel, I for one believe that the TRUE God that directed her to bring forth into the light the deciet of the WTBTS.
I mean God can use anyone he wants to to bring out the truth of matter and reveal what is in darkness into the light.
And it is my thinking that this is why we are aware of what happened. Think for a moment what if she hadn't disclosed this information would anyone of us be privy to it. I don't think so. Who put the thoughts into her heart and mind?
It is a thought to ponder don't you think?.
The Bible says, "God works in mysterious ways". Maybe this is one of those times.
yadda yadda 2
Farkel...perhaps next time you shouldn't open your 'argument' by making a slur about my screen name. You obviously intended to insult me, so if you can't take it, don't give it.
With all respect to Barbara Anderson, who has done a lot of excellent research on important contemporary issues in the organisation and revealed some great insights, this research on Mrs Russell is really only interesting to the hardcore 'apostate' who has already left the organisation, is still largely psychologically captivated and enthralled by the organisation (only in reverse) and actually can be bothered reading this kind of rather esoteric, historical stuff. Its a case of magnifying the importance of something that to the great majority of active JW's, disaffected JW's, and former JW's, is dull and irrelevant. It is good for historical completeness and to 'put the record right' by perhaps revealing that C T Russell was less than candid about his inspirations and sources.
This material would never convince your typical JW in a million years to leave the organisation. Present this to some of your JW friends and see what reaction you get. It would be "Are you out of your mind...why should I care about what C T Russell's wife wrote 100 years ago? C T Russell was a great man of God who Jehovah used to restore truth. Get a life!"
This material would never convince your typical JW in a million years to leave the organisation. Go on...why don't you present this to some of your JW friends and see what reaction you get. It would be "Are you out of your mind. Why should I care about what C T Russell's wife wrote 100 years ago. Get a life!"
I think Farkel made a valid point. You could say to such a witness, if something said 100 years ago has no validity today, why should words written thousands of years ago carry any weight either? They still might not bother to listen, but you never know what wheels that thought might start turning either.
When confronting ignorance, be fully equipped for every good work. :)