but moshe...god can undo, reverse, and control the laws of physics....
Some of the most brilliant minds of the 144K are physicists.....
by veen 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
but moshe...god can undo, reverse, and control the laws of physics....
Some of the most brilliant minds of the 144K are physicists.....
Thank you oompa for pointing out that that little gem of a scripture to us!
Genesis 1: 17 says God put the Sun Moon and stars "In the Expanse" ie between the earth and the water canopy - how can this be??
The Witchtower interpretation is based on later science showing the earth is a sphere.
Earlier times pictured it as a disc of Rock surrounded by water, and with a dome of water over it.
In the flood account the waters did not just fall from the sky, the "floodgates of the watery deep", the waters below and around the earth were broken open and surged up onto the land.
The WT has falsified the ancient world view to fit their theology. In fact the icecaps show annual layers which go back well over 50 000 years before the flood.
Even the Chinese do not accept the flood, as their written history goes back far beyond it. How could an omnipotent god manage to drown them all , and be unable to inform them of the fact?
People need to stop trying to prove the flood occurred. I find quite ironic that the most ardent believer in the flood are also the most ardent opponents of evolution when the flood actually makes evolution necessary to have all the species created.
This Hovnid theory of "Wah-Tier" vapor or ice vapor using "Wah-Tier" (sorry trying to emulate Hovnid's delivery of the word water) has been disproved in so many fundemental ways it generates outbursts of laughter in the scientific community.
The idea that only 2 of each type of animal somehow created all the species of the earth in 4000 years brings me great joy and usually hours of laughter when someone tries to mention it to me.