Any regrets?
Did you enjoy your double lives in the past?
by asilentone 11 Replies latest jw experiences
Not really.
I was the definition of straight and righteous while a catholic as a youth.
When I started to associate with the JW's I learned how much fun I had been missing.
We would drink beer and whiskey heavily, smoke pot, date worldly girls, go to R rated movies (Saturday night fever was my 1st one)
sneak into a local disco, and generally act like normal kids of the "world."
Then the next day it would be go to the meeting, give a comment, go out in service, converse in an up building way with ones at the KH .
And guess what ?
The majority of kids I hung out with were the children of elders, and the PO !!!
In fact we had a secret code name for ourselves,,,, "The unholy JW's"
it always bothered me a little at that time that this group of people who considered themselves to be
Gods chosen people living for God in the last days were so morally corrupt on the inside. Yet at the meetings and in service they really
were able to fool people with their pretend action.
Thanks Randy and Kevin for your help, it took 30 years for me to realize what a fool I was. -
I loved -and still love - leading a double life
four candles
It was hard work sometimes,not getting caught out,but i'd do things like tell my ma I was off camping with another bruv,he'd tell his mum the same. Well we were camping,just at the Knebworth rock festival in 1979......................Led!! We did it again the next year for Reading festival with Whitesnake.
I don't regret doing it,it gave me valuable viewings of some of the greatest rock bands ever.
It was like being a spy. Controlling who saw you doing what and then acting the part at home and at the hall. Drama, action, suspense! It livened things up quite a bit.
Just making plots and trying to get away with something was awesome! It wasn't like we were committing crimes. These were normal things that aren't illegal in the real world. In the real world, you think, I'm going to stop in this bar for a drink. No big deal, you don't give it a second thought. But in JW world, going into that bar is frowned upon by a lot of them. So now there's this element of excitement in doing something that's perfectly normal. Maybe somebody will see you. Maybe somebody inside knows you're a JW and knows other JWs and might tell one them where they saw you.
If I miss anything about being a JW, that's what I miss. Now I can do pretty much anything I'd want to do that's legal and it is what it is. There's no extra thrill of getting away with something.
I was good------now I know why I was never invited!
White Dove
I was a bead and tie-dyed, pot smoking hippie with bead and tie-dyed, pot smoking hippie friends who I went on road trips with to concerts and dance halls. Regrets??? Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't really miss it. It was survival until I could get out. All kids keep secrets from their parents, but DAMN when you can't even let them know who you are sucks.
White Dove
I know what you mean by not being able to tell them who you really are. I know your situation is different than mine.
Just try telling my parents and grandparents that I was really born as a bi-sexual witch. HA!
I complied and was very obedient to my parents because if I wasn't, I'd get beat. I was a hopeless people pleaser anyway. It's such a relief not to be that anymore.
White Dove,
A bi-sexual witch in the kingdumb hall. Hmmmm, put that with all the fornicators, child molestors, child beaters, basic liars so they can still be an elder and have some kind of importance in their miserable existence...........
You came out smelling like a rose. You were honest when the situation called for it. How many times can any of us say we were honest at the Hall?
Everyone just put on that face, to be accepted by
Jehovah,the Organization. I think most of us has a pretty good idea it was crap.