can we do stuff like that here?.......oompa
should i post my apostaphone # before jwd closes?
by oompa 26 Replies latest jw friends
it would be a very bad idea to give out your phone number if you do not want to be exposed to your elders.
my apostaphone is a virgin pay as you go....and only about a dozen people here know the number...i keep it hidden in my truck forcing me to contine to live a double life around my hardcore jw's i doubt any elders would call me on it, and if they did i doubt they could prove it was they dont care...they are just glad i am gone since i caused them so much grief...made them look foolish and stupid....and caused some to have new doubts of their own............oompa
OOMPA- I think you should PM me your apostaphone number, as all I have is your other number which I never call because don't want to get you in trouble with wifey ! So would you be so kind to PM me your apostate, er, apostaphone number ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper
It's not recommended. See the Posting Guidelines, item 9.
If you want to give it out via PM that's one thing, but unless you want every bot on the internet to start spamming your Virgin mobile phone with Viagra ads and penis enlargement offers, it's probably best not to put it in the public domain.
Jeremy C
unless you want every bot on the internet to start spamming your Virgin mobile phone with Viagra ads and penis enlargement offers, it's probably best not to put it in the public domain.
That is unless Oompa feels he might benefit from such merchandise.
a man dont ask if something is ok to do. he just does it.
scully :If you want to give it out via PM that's one thing, but unless you want every bot on the internet to start spamming your Virgin mobile phone with Viagra ads and penis enlargement offers, it's probably best not to put it in the public domain.
thank you so much...i almost just went ahead and posted it...never really thought about i will continue to build my apostaphone contact list and my apostaemail list from pm's...i sure hope simon keeps the pms part alive when JWD dies....we all have a lot of good cyberfriends here....and they are more real than jw friends........oompa
oompa, It was nice of you to want to but it is not a cool idea, but if anyone wants my new number and address just pm and I will give it too you.
I just move in May of this year. So those of you who send me Christmas cards need my new address.
Oompa I will give you mine if you give me your.
oohhh I am so bad.....
oompa, It was nice of you to want to but it is not a cool idea, but if anyone wants my new number and address just pm and I will give it too you.
I just move in May of this year. So those of you who send me Christmas cards need my new address.
Oompa I will give you mine if you give me your.
oohhh I am so bad.....