The All Knowing Creator?

by Number1Anarchist 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Number1Anarchist

    Why would a Creator write a book knowing in the future it would splinter into absolute madness?




    Every religion who has used this book has used it for EVIL, they use it to control people and munipulate them.

    They all use parts of this book.

    The creator has the ability to see what will happen, then why would he add to the madess by writing a strange book full of parables and illustrations and so called history leaving it up to man to interpret!

    If in advance you knew that this would happen would you do it?

    I would not!

    This all makes no sense!

    I'm starting to think this is Satans biggest deception calling the bible the word of God!

    If there is a God this all makes no sense.

  • WTWizard

    Because God is an Alimghty Lowlife Scumbag that wants us to suffer for His entertainment.

  • Number1Anarchist

    Lol! I'm sure thruout history people have wondered why God has not stepped in and all the leaders of these religions have always said he will come in his due time.

    Whatever that supposed to mean. It makes me puke to think of joining any religious institution where you have any leaders there to explain the bible to you. Barf!

    The bible is written like the writings of Nostradamas and can be interpreted to fit any belief system.

  • Farkel

    If, as the Bible says, we were made in God's image, we wouldn't need a book to help us. God doesn't need a book and we are made in his image. Ergo, we don't need a book, either. But since the book in question is the book that says we need the book that says we need it, then we have a huge circular problem here.

    Then again, we have a book that is inspired by God for man's benefit. We know this because that same book says it is inspired by God for man's benefit. Oooops! More circular logic!

    That same book says ALL of that book is important and beneficial for man. Yeah, there is really some great stuff in 1st and 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd Chronicles, 1st and 2nd Samuel that will REALLY guide us through life in the 21st Century, huh? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    I would like someone to show me where any more than 5% of the Bible is worth knowing in order to live a better, more spiritual life. I'm being very, very generous with the 5% part, too. Ninety Five percent of the Bible is worthless, even as authentic history, much of it is sickening with no moral lessons to learn and creates more moral dilemmas and capricious Divine Justice than not.

    If that's the best thing a Creator could give man as His sole contribution to our spiritual well-being, he really f***ed up. Either than, or He is just plain stupid.

    Personally, I don't think the Creator gave us any book. He gave us each other to help figure things out.


  • stillajwexelder

    I think there is useful information - God tells us how he likes his meat - very well done - in fact burnt

    (Numbers 15:1-3) 15 And Jehovah spoke further to Moses, saying: 2 “Speak to the sons of Israel, and you must say to them, ‘When YOU eventually come into the land of YOUR dwelling places, which I am giving YOU, 3 and YOU must render up an offering made by fire to Jehovah, a burnt offering or a sacrifice to perform a special vow or voluntarily or during YOUR seasonal festivals, in order to make a restful odor to Jehovah, from the herd or from the flock. . .

  • stillajwexelder

    He also prefers you if you have a piece of flesh from the male organ removed

    (Genesis 17:9-14) 9 And God said further to Abraham: “As for you, you are to keep my covenant, you and your seed after you according to their generations. 10 This is my covenant that YOU men will keep, between me and YOU men, even your seed after you: Every male of YOURS must get circumcised. 11 And YOU must get circumcised in the flesh of YOUR foreskins, and it must serve as a sign of the covenant between me and YOU. 12 And every male of YOURS eight days old must be circumcised, according to your generations, anyone born in the house and anyone purchased with money from any foreigner who is not from your seed. 13 Every man born in your house and every man purchased with money of yours must without fail get circumcised; and my covenant in the flesh of YOU men must serve as a covenant to time indefinite. 14 And an uncircumcised male who will not get the flesh of his foreskin circumcised, even that soul must be cut off from his people. He has broken my covenant.”

  • oompa

    ditto...and a similar thought.....god can write in solid stone with his finger if he wanted to....why the crap not do the job himself and remove doubt as to if he made these jews write it down....he could have at least wrote in on the inside of pyramids or on a mountainside...everyone could go make their own copy of the original...but noooo...he has a bunch of pretty nutty, stiff necked, superstitious jews write it on crappy paper???....and then he doesn't even preserve the may have soon good life lessons in it but the rest could be a much of man-made crap..and it is to me.....just try and prove it isn' original would help..........oompa

  • stillajwexelder

    and he really gets very upset and will deny you everlasting life if you do certain things in the privacy of your own bedroom with your legally married wife

  • Number1Anarchist

    Good one Farkel! I'm starting to think this same way. I mean how many religions splintered off from this book? Thousands and if you knew in advance would this happen then why would you do it. If i were Satan i would write this book call it Gods word and have all the masses fighting eachother with it on who is right and who is wrong. Nice tactic on his part.

    stillajwexelder this offering burnt sacrafice is along the same lines as the pagan Gods . Why do Gods need you to sacrafice to them. It's absolutley absurd and makes no sense.If he created us perfect from the beginning uncircumsized then why would he need us to be circumsized just to be his people.

    Oompa it gets rediculous that we have to trust all these different interpretations of the bible and that God is a trinity or he is not. Like you said if it is the true word of God then why not make some material that is indestructable and write it on that. He created the entire universe and he writes it on papyrus and who knows what else so we get to piece together fragments of material and hope it's correct.. I don't get that at all.

    Why talk in parables and illustations and what about Revelation, that is the craziest book out there, Most people had no education at all and he expected an average farmer to understand this. WTF!

  • cameo-d


    Does it make you wonder....if there is "someone in charge" it seems to be a malovelent being. Question this evil blood thirsty creature defined as our "god" actually our creator? If it is, we are in real trouble.

    Or could it be this "god" being is imposter of our creator? If Satan (wicked watcher alien angel) is the ruler of this world, as we have been informed, is he not ruling his kingdom through churches as well as opium dens? Wouldn't he cover every angle?

    And wouldn't he have a method to his madness by having man to write his Bible in order to implement a "divide and conquer" strategy?

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