If, as the Bible says, we were made in God's image, we wouldn't need a book to help us. God doesn't need a book and we are made in his image. Ergo, we don't need a book, either. But since the book in question is the book that says we need the book that says we need it, then we have a huge circular problem here.
Then again, we have a book that is inspired by God for man's benefit. We know this because that same book says it is inspired by God for man's benefit. Oooops! More circular logic!
That same book says ALL of that book is important and beneficial for man. Yeah, there is really some great stuff in 1st and 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd Chronicles, 1st and 2nd Samuel that will REALLY guide us through life in the 21st Century, huh? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I would like someone to show me where any more than 5% of the Bible is worth knowing in order to live a better, more spiritual life. I'm being very, very generous with the 5% part, too. Ninety Five percent of the Bible is worthless, even as authentic history, much of it is sickening with no moral lessons to learn and creates more moral dilemmas and capricious Divine Justice than not.
If that's the best thing a Creator could give man as His sole contribution to our spiritual well-being, he really f***ed up. Either than, or He is just plain stupid.
Personally, I don't think the Creator gave us any book. He gave us each other to help figure things out.