Heard this on the TV tonight that married people live 9 years longer than single people. Another reason to be pissed at my ex for divorcing me. Oh well, he is left handed and they live less time than right handers. He just lost even more time off his life. Anyone else hear these two statistics?
Did anyone hear that not being married cuts off 9 years of your life?
by Bubblie 22 Replies latest jw experiences
I have heard something of the sort. I have also heard that petting an animal is very good for the heart. Pets add years to our lives, too.
Hugs and strength to you in your adjustment of your new life.
Baba. -
I have heard that married men live longer.
Men dont like to go to a doctor.
But when they have a wife, the wife nags them and they get yearly check ups.
A lot of things are treatable if found early.
no more kool aid
Longer life for being married is for the men. I think single women live longer than married women.
I heard that being married cuts 50% from yer bank account. I don't mind spending money but I'd sort of like to have something real to show for it.
Men live longer if married
Women live longer if single
The balance is of course that many women survive their husbands in death and thus re-coup those years.
Thus explains the two definitions of PMS within the female world.
no more kool aid
What you talkin bout Gary. My husband will live longer and his bank account will be and always has been better for having me. I have missed 6 wks of work combined for having 2 children. I am better off too,having him, because we are a team.
Homerovah the Almighty
I think theory comes around that a happy contented couple that care for one another presses longevity to both individuals,
and that makes practical sense.
In view of recent medical studies though , longevity with people revolves very closely to family genetics and personal lifestyles.
As a example consider if a person overate, smoked heavily and consumed quite a bit of alcohol , that person is more than likely to
have shorter life span. So the best thing to do is be a friend to your genetic profile and keep a healthy lifestyle, you'll
feel better and look better now and you just may add a few years to your life.
As others have stated, it's the men who benefit from marriage (health-wise).
Thank you all for your comments. I hope you are right about the woman living longer if single. Since that is my state of being now and looks like it will remain so since I can't seem to meet new people. It will take time to get out and meet others of common interests but I will work on it. As far as the financial stuff goes I made out okay in the divorce, getting half of our business money and half the house money and a new Toyota Avalon, I have two retirement accounts and some saving that should take me through my remaining years with a small job to add to it with insurance. My mental state right now is just not that good. I am finding it difficult to live without him. No chance of getting back together since he all ready had a new woman living with him in my old house.