The New York Times Saturday, July 4, 2009
Troops to Return Immediately
WASHINGTON — Operation
Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring
Freedom were brought to
an unceremonious close today
with a quiet announcement by the
Department of Defense that troops
would be home within weeks.
“This is the best face we can put
on the most unfortunate adventure
in modern American history,”
Defense spokesman Kevin Sites
said at a special joint session of
Congress. “Today, we can finally
enjoy peace — not the peace of
the brave, perhaps, but at least
Complete article available here
Other front page news:
"Nation Sets Its Sights on Building Sane Economy"
"Maximum Wage Law Succeeds: Salary Caps Will Help Stabilize Economy"
"USA Patriot Act Repealed"
"Gitmo, Other Centers Closed"
"Bush to Face Charges"
Get the complete PDF here.
P.S. Please note that this New York Times is a spoof. As good as it may make you feel to read the articles in it, in reality nothing has changed...