elderwho: yes the ransom was of greater value to the 144 000 as they are considered heirs alongside with christ - they are his brothers & sisters, kings & priests just as christ is king & priest. Regular dubs, by association with his brothers, have the hope of being part of the great crowd that stream to the throne.
How was the ransom greater? Any scripture for that?
As for them changing into spirit form - nothing is impossible for Jehovah, he can do anything as he is god almighty -
My point is something has to be generated from within the body. How can they change into a spirit being if there is not a spirit to begin with? Im not concerned with what God is capable of doing.
Appointed to die: I think that scripture carries on to say "appointed to die once..." not too sure. The witnesses can interperate that to mean a spiritual death and not literal. Remember they are pretty good at choosing what is figurative and what is literal and will have their sneaky ways of "proving" this.
The wages of sin is death. All have sinned and fallen short. Logically all will die. There is no escaping this death.