Kingdom Hall Weddings - November Kingdom Ministry

by BluesBrother 74 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • minimus

    The best thing is to circumvent the elders and have the wedding somewhere else!

  • Cindi_67
    The brother chosen to give the wedding talk will meet beforehand with the prospective bridegroom and bride to offer helpful advice and to be sure that there are no moral or legal impediments to the marriage and that he is in accord with the plans for any social gathering to follow.
    An elder who is asked to officiate will probably meet beforehand with the prospective bride and groom. They will, naturally, want to assure him that there are no moral or legal impediments to their marrying

    New Kingdom Ministry: "He will meet with the couple to inquire about their moral conduct during courtship; the couple will want to be open and honest with him."

    Did you notice the tone in which it is written? The previous two were more indirect, less harsh. This last one was written in a tone like: "The elder will sit down with you to ask you whether you had sex or have touched each other in inapropriate ways; and you better be open and honest with him, or else."

  • purplesofa

    I have never been to a JW wedding, is it a huge advertisement for the organization like a JW funeral is?

  • hillbilly

    edit to add extra graph

    " Other venues may be considered... especially if the cash bar is open early"


  • StoneWall

    Oh wow!
    That KM makes me want to run out and ask my wife if we can re-new our wedding vows this time at a kingdom hall so I can tell them all about our sex life. I love a captive audience. heehe

    I can see me now when they ask," Do you StoneWall take this woman..." YES I take her and I already have taken her but let me tell you about the details.
    It all started off as any normal day, me laying on my bed naked minding my own business when in walks a girl with a whip in her hand looking for you know who.
    A smirk came across my face brother Elder as I knew this was going to be much more than an ordinary day. And just wait till I tell you about the many different uses for fruits of all types and handcuffs......

  • SnakesInTheTower


    is it a huge advertisement for the organization like a JW funeral is?

    yes...and also how submissive women have to be to their husband and the Organization. Here, read the wedding outline..(sorry it is not an exact is a PDF...and it appears the OCR from the original scan was not corrected for errors, but you get the idea of the horse$hit in it)

    Snakes ()



    (.4 min)

    Wedlock is one of Jehovah's provisions for the lasting benefit and happiness of his earthly children (Gel:26)

    Perfect human Adam had need for helper and complement to fulfill God's commission to 'fill the eartli

    and subdue it' (Gen. 1:28; 2:18)

    God brought first human together, marrying them (Read Genesis 2:21,22.)

    Provision was to be permanent union (Read Genesis 2:24.)

    Since Jehovah is a "God of love" and a "happy God," honourable marriage reflects these qualities (2 Cor. 13: 11; 1 'l'im



    For Christian marriage to last, God must be put first in life and his advice followed by both mates (Matt. 22:33-40;

    Marriage is a twofold cord-with mates and mutually supportive-but love for God can strengthen marriage, as if

    Can trust God's advice, for he knows

    our physical and emotional makeup better than any human marriage counsellor


    Rom. 13%-10)

    he were party to it (EccI. 4:9-12)

    (Ps 103:14)

    Studying Bible, praying, and worshipping together will draw you closer to each other and to Jehovah


    (fZ pp. 40-53) (17 min)

    Man appointed by God as loving head of family

    ( 1Cor 11:3)

    Headship involves using sound judgment based on Bible, talting lead in loving, kind way

    Includes supplying material, spiritual, emotional, and recreational needs of family

    Christian leadership does not permit a man to be a tyrant

    Jesus willing to give his life for congregation, or bride

    He unselfishly put others first (Rom. 15:l-3)

    Was mild-temptered and source of refreshment (Matt. 1 1 :29)

    Christian husband to love his wife as his own body

    No sane man hates or is bruta1 to own body but fills its needs

    Talting lead in worship is overloolted by many in world but is vital in balancing Christian family life

    Husband is to follow Christ's example (Read Ephesians 5:25, 28, 29.)

    Husband not to violently angry with wife in word or action; should not downgrade her (Col

    . 3: 19)


    (fZ pp. 54-69) (6 min.)

    Bilile shows wife's role in niarriage is

    an honourable, dignified one

    Christian husband told to assign her:"honor"

    As "complement," wife is not a slave or inferior as a person

    Relative subjectionis divine comrnandment,

    so is for human good

    Her recognition of headship principle promotes marital success and happiness (Read Ephesians 5:22-24)

    Without leadership, the result is discord, confusion, and unhappiness

    Wife's "deep respect" for husband shown cooperation with him, not competition

    ( Read Ephesians 5:33)

    When he errs, she will not belittle him but be understanding

    Christian wife is "helper," to work with husband (Prov. 3 1

    : 10-3 1)

    She can contribute much to malte home pleasant and happy

    Loolts to husband for decisions and works to malte them succeed


    11 8/88


    (fZ pp.70-80) (4 min.)

    Both mates should clothe themselves with love (Col. 3:12-14)

    As clothing protects the body,

    so love safeguards marital unity

    Clothing can also enhance the beauty of the wearer, even as love can add lustre to God's marvellous provision of


    Show love for each other daily, even in little things, such as by tender words aud acts of affection


    (w52 p.363) (2 min.)

    Bride,and bridegroom, and the legal witnesses stand before minister


    so will strengthen marriage, for "love never fails" (1 Cor. 13:4-8)

    Groom is asked "Do you- in the presence of Jehovah God and these witnesses, tak+to be your wedded

    wife, to love and to cherish, in accordance with the divine law as outlined in the Holy Scriptures for Christian

    husbands, for as long as you both may live?" (Man then answers:

    "I do.")

    Bride is asked: "Do you,-

    -, in the presence of Jehovah God and these wituesses, tak+to be your

    wedded husband, to love and to cherish and deeply respect, in accordance with the divine law as outlined in

    the Holy Scriptures for Christian wives for as long as

    you both may live?" (Woman then answers: "I do.")

    (If arrangement is for woman to be given in marriage, minister will say: "Who gives this woman to be married to this

    man?" The father or other person says:

    "I do." If there are no arrangements to give woman in marriage, this can be

    dispensed with.


    (w84 4/15 p.14) (3 min.)

    (Administered by one legally authorized as marrying agent)

    Groom is to repeat:

    1- take you

    - to be my wedded wife, to love and to cherish in accordance with the divine law as set

    forth in the Holy Scriptures for Christian husbands, for as long as we both shall live together on earth

    according to God's marital arrangemcnt."

    I-take you to be my wedded husband, to love and to cherish and deeply respect in accordance with the

    divine law as set forth in the Holy Scriptures for Christiaii wives, for as long as we both shall live together on

    earth according to God's marital arrangement."


    Bride is to repeat:


    [If rings are to be exchanged at this point groom may be invited to place ring on bride's finger, and then she on his. If he

    desires, the minister may remark: "This ring (or rings) 1s an outward and visible sign signifjing unto al1 the

    uniting of this man and this woman in the bonds of matrimony.

    " ]

    Minister may then say:

    "For as much as

    { man's name} and [wonian's name] have covenanted.before Jehovah God and thede

    witnesses to aaccept each other in wedlock,

    I, as an ordained minister and by the authority conferred upon

    me by the Holy Scriptures and the Commonwealth of Australia pronounce that they are husband and wife

    together.What God has yoked together, let no man put apart.

    Followed by prayer of blessing upon the newly married couple.

    Al1 necessary legal papers should be signed by the newly married couple, witnesses, and the marriage celebrant.

    Then the speaker may say:

    "It is my happy pleasure to introduce to this marriage gathering Brother and Sister

    [Note: the above is a suggested outline for a marriage talk. In some countries adjustments may be necessary to meet


    legal requirements.]

    S 11-

    page 2


  • undercover
    is it a huge advertisement for the organization like a JW funeral is?

    Maybe not quite as bad since the funeral talk is aimed at the resurrection hope but the wedding talk can confuse outsiders.

    I remember when my brother got married and a bunch of guys he worked with came with their wives. More than a couple of the wives were insulted about the "headship" bit and a couple of the husbands joked about liking it but admitting that it would never fly in thier house.

    I heard a couple of comments about how "plain" the wedding was...nothing happened to really make a "special" occasion. And I have to admit, that's true. I've been to bunches of JW weddings over the years and quite frankly I can only remember one or two of them being anything special to remember. Receptions I remember well (especially if booze and dancing were included), but the wedding that preceded it is fuzzy if I can recollect anything at all.

  • sinis

    Yes I wanted Vivalde Four Seasons for my wedding song, and that got SHOT down. Had to use that stupid song "Shulamite Maiden" - ubber bullshit!!!!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    When I read this, all I could say was a huge "OMG"!

    I recall all the stipulations, restrictions. But until I read this, it has no occured to me how fully I had always complied. What a freaking robot I was!

    I say again "OMG"!


  • purplesofa

    the wedding vows sound more like a public talk, and so sad there is nothing personal the bride and groom can say to each other, the wedding itself is not personalized in anyway. Well, I guess only in the way they dress.

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