Young Witness Calls on Me with the Tract - We Both get Educated !

by flipper 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • startingovernow

    Great work, Flipper.

    I'd love to see the article...could you post it here, please?

  • Vinny

    Interesting that some think Flipper will not be a return visit. I was thinking he should prepare something in advance when she does come back.

    No vaccinations, no organ transplants and then reversing those positions along with the current stand against blood, while allowing some fractions of blood... though you can't donate blood or store your own blood but you can use others' donated blood might be a good place to start if she does come back.

  • flipper

    Wow ! Thanks for all the replies. I appreciate it very much. Sorry I didn't respond yesterday as I was working all night. Will respond now.

    JW DAUGHTER- Thanks very much !

    FUZZY PAUL- Thanks. And the witnesses do have practiced answers, very true. This young lady was talking so fast at first just reciting a presentation from memory . I wanted her to slow down so she would use her mind more ! I'm glad you have found fulfillment in your Baptist Church and that your son is doing good ! Good job dad !

    MICKEY MOUSE- Thanks. Good point you make is that the main thing is to get witnesses " thinking ". Most don't have their minds turned on as they are " memorizing a sermon " . If you jar their senses - you make them think " outside the box " so to speak.

    JUST HUMAN- Thanks. I do hope she starts working her mind and thinking.

    NO MORE KOOL AID- I know she wanted to get her time in and leave the tract real fast - but I just had to indulge her in some things I've learned since leaving the organization. Without her realizing she was being taught ! I think that's the trick - don't let them know they are being educated ! I don't know if I made it into her RV book - only time will tell !

    OUT of the BOX- Thanks bud !

    LOVES DUBS- Thanks. I'm sure she did hear me - you are right , it can't be undone !

    BLONDIE- I bet that really did open your eyes when the elder just tossed the article back at you ignoring it, not explaining it to you ! You knew something was up then !

    AMHARARET- Thanks. I try to use respect and reasoning with the JW's so they don't put their apostaradar up ! I want to get into their minds !

    SNOWBIRD- Thanks sis ! Yes, I don't know if the seed of doubt will grow in this woman or not - but at least it has been planted ! I'm glad you are doing the same thing as well on your home turf too ! Good luck with that !

    HUBERT- Good point you make that the young lady didn't want the older sister in her car group to see her keeping " apostate " news releases . Didn't want it getting back to the elders ! Thanks.

    HAPPY 1975- Thanks. You can currently get a link to the news of the child abuse settlements with the witnesses at : and they will refer you to the link there. Good luck with your friend !

    OPEN MIND- Yes - I actually did come up with the Romans 13 : 1,2 scripture on my own ! I don't know what made me think of it - ( holy spirit perhaps ! ) but I just discovered it one time after the abuse settlements. Just a contradiction I saw. Might be my justice streak, who knows ? Thanks.

    MIND MY OWN- This lady was fairly level headed , yes. Seemed to think more authentically than other witnesses I've talked to. You never know. Maybe she will think about things inside herself ! Hopefully before any elders find out and change her mind !

    MARY- Exactly. I figured - Hey ! If Christendom's churches scare people with hell fire , what's the difference with witnesses scaring people with Armageddon ? It's still a " fear " tactic used to control people ! Hope I planted a seed as well.

    LOUBELLE- Thanks sis ! I hope a seed sunk into her too .

    STARTING OVER NOW- Thanks. If you want to get the child abuse article, the link can be found at and you can find it there. I'm not the greatest at printing articles on my threads - a bit of a computer dinosaur I am ! Not very computer savvy !

    VINNY- You never know. Perhaps I will be on her return visit list ! I'll try to have something else for her if she does come back to visit me. Like you say ; maybe the blood issue, or I was thinking about the " generation " issue with it's constant changes ! Take advantage of that perhaps ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Thirdson

    Great Job Flipper! It only takes a one thing to cause someone to re-evaluate the their whole belief system. You may have started it. For me, a few examples caused me to think. A college course on biology, someone during house-to-house work, the unbelieving husband of a sister and a peak at WTB&TS on the internet in 1996. You never know where in the chain of events you added to the change in someone's thinking. 3rd

  • flipper

    THIRDSON- Thanks . So several different things caused you to examine things I see ! You are correct - you never know what chain of different events will cause a person to examine their beliefs at one time or another. We just have to be there to point witnesses in the right direction and give them little signposts to see for themselves and maybe they will break free ! Peace out, Mr . Flipper

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