I sent them a letter with questions about 1914 chronology. I already knew what a crock their chronology was and wasn't looking to them for guidance. This was long after I stopped being a JW and was debating the issue with a current JW who didn't know I was once one. He thought my evidence sounded solid, but couldn't let go and suggested I write to them. So, I did, expecting either no answer or something so full of it that I could show to this guy.
I did get back a response, but it didn't address anything. Just the usual runaround. Enough that the JW wasn't really enlightened. It just confused him.
In the end, last time I talked to him, he wasn't convinced 1914 was right or wrong, but didn't really care whether or not they were wrong in the big picture. I hope he eventually got smart and left.
The guy said I'd be a great JW because they needed people like me that did this sort of research. Doing the research is what either convinces you to leave or gets you kicked out.