by minimus 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus


  • snowbird

    I used to get sick every Sunday, Tuesday night, and Thursday night.

    Once I quit the JW's, my sickness vanished. It's a miracle!


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Yes I believe all JWS are psychologically sick due impart to what gets constantly fed into their minds and hearts.

    right from the little children who have to sit through hours of indoctrinations up to adults that have received decades of this

    fear mongering drivel and control.

    It drove my mother into a addiction to Valium and there has been positive proof that many JWS suffer from other mental disorders

    bi-polarism being just one.

    Big business and big religion can definitely be seen as an agent of cruelity............can it not ?

  • undercover

    yea but...

    ever notice how JWs look at sick people in the world and make comments about how if that person had only followed Bible principles (as only a JW can do) then they wouldn't have that problem?

    A DFd family member gets cancer. "If only he hadn't taken up smoking after getting DFd"...

    An unbelieving husband has a liver disease. "he's a heavy drinker you know"...

    An inactive sister has a child out of wedlock and the mother is depressed and the child is sick. "if only she had remained close to Jehovah and hadn't gotten involved with worldly people"...

    They can point out all the ills and problems of the world and of people who leave the faith but they can never see their own shortcomings and frailties. They think that they're immune to a lot of what outsiders face which only leaves them more susceptible to the very problems they think they're safe from.

  • minimus

    True, UC.

  • loosie

    I've had depression for 20 years. I've been out of the borg for 4 years. I still have depression. But I have always wondered if I would have developed depression had I not been raised in a cult.

  • minimus

    That nice ring will make you feel better.

  • Quandry

    Prozac and zanax was passed around the hall like mints (seriously I had to finally tell someone those are prescription drugs and too dangerous to pass to those not under doctors care )

    That is strangely hilarious.

    I knew a sister that had depression. She was going through a loooong menopause and had heavy bleeding. Yes-that is depressing. She told me in confidence that a couple of years prior she was going through a rough time and tried to commit suicide.

    The loving elders publicly reproved her......

  • jws

    I've always thought that some of the people are attracted to the JWs in the first place because they have some mental disorder. My dad had a study for several years that just wasn't right. Strange odors, no real social skills, laughing at all the weirdest things. I liked the guy, but he was kind of a loner. I always felt that my dad's interest in him and people who would come up and talk to him at the hall really made him feel good.

    I think there are a lot of lonely and/or ill people who just don't have anybody. They come to the hall because there are people there who will talk to them (if they behave). And that's especially so for Bible Studies that aren't expected to pull their share yet. They're still getting love-bombed.

    So I think there's a certain aspect of that for JWs. And they find these people by coming to their doors and inviting them into their world. A loner might not go out to meet people, but accept people who come to meet them.

    As far as sicknesses, I don't really know whether they're any different. I do know that a lot of illnesses aren't exactly private in a Kingdom Hall. I work at the headquarters of a large company. If somebody is missing one day, they might be sick. They might be in a class, off-site, or on a vacation day. You don't go nosing around about why they're not there unless you're their supervisor.

    If somebody is missing from the hall, you assume they're sick. Somebody will probably ask about it. Whether the person was really sick or not, they'll probably say they were if they're asked because that's about the only acceptable reason to miss a meeting. Can't say you had a long day and just didn't feel like going.

    And unlike the people you probably experience in work life, JWs don't stop going once they retire. So you'll probably hear about a lot more problems that are probably just age related. I compare my father to his non-JW brother and I think his brother had a lot worse time medically.

    From what I remember of sick people, I don't know that it's any different from the rest of the world. Just that everybody is probably more alert to that sort of thing because it's a closer group. Start asking your friends and co-workers about their families and see how many of their relatives are sick.

    Of course there may be legitimate factors. If you work part-time as a janitor to pioneer, you may not have health insurance. Or if you didn't concentrate on education, you may not have a great job and have lousy health insurance. There's the lonely, sick people the JWs find and bring in. Stress from being a JW? Maybe. But then again, my job can be pretty stressful too.

  • still_in74

    i had a family member that worked at a pharmacy and 15 years ago confided that half the "sisters" were on prozac!

    I remember one elder wife not coming to meetings for months because she was depressed.

    I remember another in the same cong that was "just sad all the time" and couldnt stop crying.

    That same cong had a PO run off with another brothers wife. An MS DA'd. Another R&F bro DF and leave his wife.
    2 pioneer couples divorced and both wives took off. Another pioneer couple/ex-bethel couple divorced after the wife slep with a co-worker just to get him to leave here, did he forgive her? NOPE! he couldnt have been happier cause they hated each other.

    This was all in the same cong and all in just a few years. and there was more! more divorces, more depression, more children that will never talk to their parents. I know of a CO that cheated on his wife and killed himself. Another PO that cheated. I know 5 people that have killed themselves..... in the truth?????

    I dont live in New York city or Montreal... I live a small town Ontario! This is Jehovahs happy people? Oh wait, this is Satan attacking Jehovahs people! So which is it then? Are you happy or sad? "were happy to be persecuted for Jehovah". So then why are so miserable then?
    "well Satan is working so hard"

    Please...... and dont even get me started about "fybroid myalgia" and "chronic fatigue syndrome". for JW's its all "my life sucks and I'm a lazy shit" syndrome

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