This call got a lot of people dailing in .The call lasted for six hours. Here is the link to the call.
Author David Reed on the conference call Sat. Nov.22 7p.m.EST
by kool aid man06 38 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Rick.
I am very thankful for your posting the conference on audiostream at your website.
Please consider not delving into SRA discussions if the person still claims to be
a witch and a pagan. I'll listen but not to that kind of stuff. I consider myself a
believing Christian and have no taste for 'witch' talk and stories.Again, your recordings of the Conferences are always something to look forward to.
I'm too chicken to call in live as my spouse is still very active. Yes, I admit it.
But listening in anytime is still very appreciated.Sincerely.
kool aid man06
Last Saturday's conference call with Daid Reed and Ravyn Guiliani caused quite the "buzz". People were calling in early and staying on late. The call lasted for 6 hours. David Reed has helped so many people to exit the Watchtower and we were so glad to have him on. Ravyn Guiliani, our second guest, raised the eyebrows of many of our listeners, as her subject was quite controversial. Ravyn stunned the audience as she claimed she was used in Satanic Rituals by the Watchtower organization. She said that as a young girl she was a conduit, or a channeller, using "automatic writing"with the help of the demons, to give information to the Watchtower Society to publish in their literature. In our interview and conversations before the interview, Ravyn never mentioned she was a witch.It is possible she may have been involved in this in the past, I tried to call her, and ask her about this, but she was not home. I will post it on this forum when I get an answer. I also want to say that the 6screens conference call is open to all that can help us come to grips with how dangerous and destructive the org. can be. If you would like to hear a recording of the Ravyn Guiliani call and have the courage and backbone hit this link The interview with Ravyn is about half way through so move the recorder forward to about half way into the call.
Hey Rick.
Thanks for posting your comment again in this thread.
My suggestion is that you make a comment about your having a person on the program who confirms being a 'witch' in a public forum while claiming to be a Roman Catholic in your conference. If you feel that you don't need to apologize for having her on the show and your intent was to throw crap at the Watchtower whether it was true or not then fine for you, but not fine for me. I don't want to listen to lies about the WT. I would hope your program would be about exposing the truth about the WT and why JWs should turn to Christ.
Would you not agree to that?
And again, my apologies in not having discussed this in private messages with you from the start. I jumped ahead and I apologize for that. Those who don't consider themselves Christians in this forum are telling me I'm whining about it. For me to be a Christian is not to dabble in the 'witching' and pagan ways. Others may wish to do otherwise. I can't, my conscience tells me no. I hope you understand.
With sincere regards.
Exposing the truth about JW's and "turning to Christ" are two separate issues. You want to deal with both? Start your own calls, etc., rather than bashing others.
Unless you believe the JWs are correct to pejoratively label people "apostates", you insane clown posse christians should brain-up and stop acting as if it is ok for you to pejoratively use the term "witch".
People who believe in witch craft may be whacked out morons, but they certainly aren't bigger or more whacked out morons than people who believe Jesus is just running a little late.
What avishai just said. Wicca is a religion too, I might add. May not be to your taste but then christianity isn't to a lot of peoples taste either. Takes all kinds to make a world.
Thank you Sixo and Brinjen for succinctly putting what i would have in a scattered and pissed off manner.
Iloowy, Imo