Would You Wear A Cross Now?

by minimus 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    I have one on my charm bracellet - don't see it as anything other than a symbol, attached nothing to it.

  • justhuman

    I always wear my Cross. I have actually 3 Crosses. A gold one, silver, and a wooden Cross that I have it from a friend who gave it as a present. Most of the time I use the wooden Cross....

    It is the Symbol of Glory over death. I feel so nice that I have it, and specially when I'm wearing it, it is like a reminder for me that I follow Him all the time. It is a great feeling...

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I would proudly wear it as it is a pagan symbol that came from the Ankh which stands for life, and something else, too...

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Minimus said that Jesus died from them breaking his legs! Hahaha! He must have been one of the evil doers.

    He died from heart tamponade or something to do with his heart breaking. I think when it broke, it leaked blood into one of the layers of the heart, and that can cause death.

    Sooo...Dr's out there, what could have caused something-cardial tamponade? Stress? Must be physical stress because J didn't have it at such a degree before being put on the wooden structure-most-likely-to-be-a-cross.

  • blondie

    Actually, scripturally Jesus could not have his bones broken when he died or it would not have fullfilled some scripture. I think they were going to do it but he died first.

    Psalm 34:20 He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken.

    I find that people wear crosses for many reasons, some decorative, some religious. I just avoid it all together.

    As a jw I found jws that wore these items bizarre.


  • oompa

    I am happy with my nine inch nail........oompa

  • mrsjones5

    I have and do. I have a pendant and a couple of pairs of earrings. My sister says that I'm being naughty wearing them in the presence of my parents and other jw relatives but I really don't care. I like my cross jewelry.

  • minimus

    Yup, JC didn't have broken legs. I was thinking of the typical crucifixion processs.

  • abbagail


    Sooo...Dr's out there, what could have caused something-cardial tamponade? Stress? Must be physical stress because J didn't have it at such a degree before being put on the wooden structure-most-likely-to-be-a-cross.

    I'm no doctor, but about two years ago I read a neat article on the subject by an M.D., and his article was written back in 1972, if you want details about what killed Jesus exactly, etc., here's the title/link:

    A medical exposition on the death of Jesus Christ
    By C. Truman Davis, M.D., M. S.
    New Wine Magazine, 12/72


    As for wearing a cross I went looking for one a few years ago, never could find what I was hoping...

    A gold cross with a gold trumpet criss-crossed over the front of it...

    The Cross of Christ & The Trump of God...

    Because the former makes me eligible for the latter...
    And when the trump of God sounds, I'm outta here. ;-)


  • zagor

    I woundn't mind, I'm wearing something far worse from dub perspective, it is a silver Chinese dragon. how's that for apostasy lol

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