In watching this lunacy in the Senate of the Auto-Makers asking for a bail out essentially because they didn't listen to consumer demand (and flying in on private jets then talking about cutting "needless expenses" oh the irony), I'm starting to realize just how much power the average joe has.
Think about this, six months ago I was paying $4.30 per gallon on gas. I DRASTICALLY cut my driving. I used to fill up every week, now due to cutting my driving habits I fill up every 2 and 1/2 weeks. Today I paid $1.92 per gallon. I'm assuming that large portions of the population also cut their driving as well.
In the case of these Auto-Makers, America decided they wanted cars with better gas mileage and that were safer. The average joe has literally bankrupted some of the biggest companies in the world.
I can't help but wonder if more information was given to the average person out there on how much power they have what else could be changed? If people start demanding and only buying local produce would that effect the large distributers of fruits and vegetables? Would that effect the large chain stores as well? Certainly if people decided to primarily eat at local restaurants he that would effect the bottom line on alot of the chain places. If people stop applying for credit cards and strictly work their their debit cards or pay cash for their expenses would that effectively bankrupt the credit card companies? Would it cause them to drastically cut interest rates? Most importantly if people en masse started voting for independent candidates would that effect the two political parties?
So what do you think? Is the power truly in the people's hands? Can we shout like He-Man "I HAVE THE POWER"? Or am I completely off in my assessment?