My parents wouldn't let us read anything but the watch tower stuff and If we had to do a report on anything at school it had to be a project out of an awake magazine. Did your parents do this to you too? Orangefatcat
Did your Parents force you to do School Projects out of the JW magazines
by orangefatcat 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I didn't get to do many school projects because they were suually due around the holidays and you know what that meant for children of brainwashed cult members.
Was there a choice ???
I wouldn't say 'forced' so much as it was just a brainwashed expectation instilled before I was school age.
Every project, poem and bookreport.
For being Demon Possessed I was really quite an obedient child.
That sure is a great way to flunk school. And, you are not going to learn true science if you have to use the Asleep! magazines as your sole source.
Try using the Asleep! along with another source. Just about any other source is going to disagree with the Asleep!, because the Asleep! is written by men that want to keep people as stupid as they can. They do not want people thinking, because then they might see a blatant contradiction between what is in the Asleep! and the real truth. Hence, anyone that uses material from the Washtowel Slaveholdery as their main or sole source is going to turn in a bad project--just because the source is bad.
maybe in grade school, where applicable. By the time I got to high school, I quit telling my parents about my homework, and did all my own research myself. At the LIBRARY.
no more kool aid
I forgot all about that. My parents would always say what a good witness it was to have WT or Awake in the bibliography. They still go on and on about it being equivalent to a college education.
YES!!! I barely graduated too....
White Dove
Where do those accolades come from in the A! having to do with a high schooler and her/his project?
You know the articles I'm talking about. They are the ones that say that Suzie put Jah first at school by using A! mag. as her sole source. Her whole school was impressed and she placed 500 YPA books in one day!!!
I used to believe those stories. Now I wonder where they got them.
YES...and i gladly took them to school....where i would cut and paste everthing out of them i make my valentines day little apostate.......oompa
the whip makes me barf...big mayo fan....loved the scene in Undercover Brother where the dudes choke on mayo!!...secret hot sauce in watch to counter the mayo!!...lmao
one time i visited Belgium (Brugge rules), and was blown away that they serve their awesome fries with mayo!....not ketchup...........oompa