Why are JW's afraid of dear old Ray?

by wobble 17 Replies latest social humour

  • wobble

    No active Dub will read "Crisis of Conscience" by Ray Franz because it is "Apostate". Now if it is truly apostate,in the sense of being scripturally wrong then the WT has had 20 years or more to expose it,same as if it is factually wrong.

    If it is neither, then the WT has had 20 or so years to put their house in order,so reading it now,dubs should say "Oh yea we've changed that,so no worries"

    So why can't they read it now?

    It can only be that it is not scripturally faulty or factualy wrong,but the WT has done nothing about the issues it raises.

    I havn't read it yet,but what do you think of my argument coz I am going to use it on active dubs when I've got my copy.



  • leavingwt

    Once you read the book, you'll understand exactly why they are scared of it.

    Simply put, the book works.

    JWs warn their members not to read Apostate material, because they might leave The Truth.

    Well, it worked for me.

    Crisis of Conscience, alone, was enough to convince me to leave. I did, however, go on to read dozens of books. However, the most damning things you'll ever read in print are the very words that Watchtower has published. No apostate book can touch what they've printed.

  • Honesty

    However, the most damning things you'll ever read in print are the very words that Watchtower has published. No apostate book can touch what they've printed.


    While Crisis of Conscience is very powerful, leavingwt hit the nail on the head.

    The contradictions and outright falsehoods in WTBTS literature is the most damning evidence against the cult.

  • DanTheMan

    I knew one elder who was very proud of the fact that he read it cover-to-cover and emerged from the experience as zealous as ever. Hard to believe, I know, but you'd have to know him to understand. He was one of those highly intelligent people who have that odd ability to jump through the highest of high mental hoops to protect their all-encompassing worldview. For me, reading it was the most liberating experience of my entire life.

  • leavingwt

    How many of us have heard JWs slander Ray?

    An elder once told me the following: "Ray started thinking too much of himself, so the Society kicked him out."

    Nothing could be further from the truth. Why would this brother say such a thing? Probably because another elder had told him the same thing.

    It gets repeated, over and over.

    This can only be described as slander or harmful gossip.

    However, since they feel that ex-members should be "hated", I suppose Ray is, in their book, fair game for charater assassination.


  • oompa
    leavingwt: However, the most damning things you'll ever read in print are the very words that Watchtower has published. No apostate book can touch what they've printed.

    DEAD ON!....funny thing about that....i got in my "virtually totally shunned" state by never viewing, reading, saying anything from any apostate source....i was a good dub afterall and knew i would go to hell if i ever looked at anything apostate.....i do not consider jwd to be an apostate site btw....not at all....i could name some, but not jwd........

    anyway....one elder friend said some of the other elders were concerned that i was becoming apostate......i said "you gotta be kiddin me!....how can i be an apostate when all of my questions and all of my research material and quotes are founded totally on WT source material??"..........he said "you have a good point"......and they have left this open "apostate" alone since............oompa

  • LouBelle

    Perhaps because they dont even know of him or the books he has written. I only found out who he was when I started searching for answer. Rank of file witties wouldn't look for something they don't know about. Remember the rest of the world is outside of the states and it doesn't necessarily hear what goes on there regarding a little fanatical group.

  • seek2find

    While it may be true that Ray Franz may have had problems himself and was not perfect, the facts are that the issues he raises in CoC or either true or they are not. If they are not, wouldn't it be the best thing the organization could do to expose them for the lies they say they are? It's like I have told my wife, the issues I have personally with the organization are either true or they are false. If they are false, come get in my face about them, I don't want to believe anything that is not true. On the other hand, if they are true, then let's quit trying to hide them. It's like Joe Friday used to say on dragnet "Just the facts ma'am" seek2find

  • mouthy

    How many of us have heard JWs slander Ray?

    The elder that spoke to me when I was doubting said he was a homosexuel ...When I later called Ray & told him the name of the Brother? asked why he wouldnt sue him,? He laughed & said if I was to sue all who have lied about me. It would take a lifetime.....
    It is like the stuff that is going on tonight on Rick's line( NOT DAVID) I think the person that is spewing it hates the WT so much he will say ANYTHING!! against it. It ruins the help we are trying to do to help others see TRUTH!!!!!!

  • seek2find

    Hi Mouthy, Are you talking about the Satanic ritual abuse thing? Or something else??? The SRA stuff is kind of hard for me to believe. Like I said in my previous post I only want to believe the truth. I respected what Barbra Anderson said on the conference call last time about veryfing things and not just taking them on someones word. Good advice. seek2find

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