Why are the Spanish speaking congregations apparently doing well in the US?

by ThomasCovenant 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • ThomasCovenant


    Last time I looked at the annual Society statistics it seemed obvious to me that the more 'developed' countries were recording stagnant or negative growth.

    Possibly a more educated and more affluent society together with freely available information via media and the internet can explain some of this.

    Why then are the Latin American countries and particularly Spanish speaking American's going for the Watchtower.

    From what little I know I wouldn't class these groups as 'backward' or Third World.

    Any ideas? Is is just the ex Catholic community?

    Surely Spanish speaking Americans have access to the internet and the news the same as everyone else?


    Thomas Covenant

  • leavingwt

    Illegal Immigration.

    When an illegal alien joins the cult, he acquires instant friends and a sense of security. Moreover, his new friends have a scriptural obligation to look after his welfare.

    Just a guess.

  • minimus

    because they don't know any better???

  • Gregor

    An interesting question and I really don't know the answer. My guess is that it has something to do with the lack of diversity in customs and culture, or, to put it a another way, the uniformity of the religion, customs and culture of some communities. Let's face it, the Catholic Church no longer has a strangle hold as it used to. When a few start to convert it takes on momentum and draws in others. Look at Japan, it had a huge burst of JW growth for a time but, as I understand it now, that bubble has popped and membership is contracting in that country...

  • blondie

    Also, they tend to have larger families and are closer so try more to get family members to join. Also they tend to be closer and supportive in the congregation. But I have found that the longer they are in the US, the less this a factor.

  • insearchoftruth

    My wife is hispanic and her family is still in, but they have not assimilated themselves too well into the country yet. I think part of the reason my wife is studying, interested and right now being brainwashed is pressure from the family....

  • sir82

    The Spanish-speaking congregations are driving all the growth in the US. If it were not for them, US growth rate would be in the solidly negative numbers. More than 1/4 of the JWs in the US belong to Spanish-speaking congregations.

    I can't answer about other countries, but here is my impression on why the Spanish-speaking congregations are doing so well here.

    In general, the most growth comes from areas where there are large populations of recent immigrants. In areas where there are not so many recent immigrants, Spanish-speaking congregations suffer the same malaise as any other congregation.

    In areas where there is a large recent-immigrant population, those immigrants generally come from very very poor circumstances. They most often come to the US for work, so they can send money back to their poverty-stricken families. In fact, it is common for an immigrant worker to send the majority of the money he earns back to his family. That's why there will often be 10 or 12 guys living in a one-bedroom apartment.

    But of course that's not much of a life, either. Plus these guys are often lonely, with their entire social structure ripped away. Plus they're likely missing the family they left behind.

    Plus they've likely been raised to have respect for the Bible and/or organized religion, or at least a fear of God. Atheism is not common in Latino countries.

    Now, with all that in mind, imagine you are an immigrant worker enjoying your one day of rest from your 70 or 80 hour workweek. Here come Jose and Rosa, who are clean and well dressed and smiling. They have Bibles, and talk about God, and offer nice shiny literature in your own language (maybe the first thing you've read in your own language for months). They invite you to their Kingdom Hall, even offering to pick you up, and you agree to go.

    When you get there, what do you see? Everybody is well dressed and clean. Everybody is smiling and laughing and look happy. Everybody comes up and introduces themselves to you and shakes your hand. The meeting starts, and people are quiet and look in their Bibles and seem very reverent.

    This is all very impressive and very appealing. As you continue to attend, the loneliness begins to dissipate, and the social structure you left behind is replaced. Before you know it, you're studying the questions to be baptized, and you go out recruiting yourself.

    In some Spanish congregations, a zealous pioneer can have 10 or 12 studies easily. At DCs, it is common for several hundred to be baptized, and at Circuit events, you might have near a hundred baptized. These numbers dwarf anything done in English language congregations.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Wow sir82!

    After reading your description, it sounds like the Spanish JWs have "THE TRUTH"!

    Just kidding, but your explanation sounds fairly plausible.


  • BurnTheShips
    In some Spanish congregations, a zealous pioneer can have 10 or 12 studies easily.

    This depends greatly on geographic area. And yes, Spanish congos seem much more close knit and family-like than the English ones but this dissipates as people assimilate into the larger American culture.

    At DCs, it is common for several hundred to be baptized, and at Circuit events, you might have near a hundred baptized.

    I have not seen such a thing in a looooong time. But then again, this varies greatly by georgraphic area. Poor rural Districts and Circuits are the best grounds for this kind of growth. Also, more mature urban Hispanic communities such as NYC and Miami are not having this sort of growth any longer and haven't for quite some time.

    Ladies and gents, I believe we are going to see this kind of Spanish language growth in the US end. Massive amounts of Hispanics are going home because of the downturn and increased enforcement. It is nearly invisible to most of us, but I hear it and see it. I have been told by some "If I am going to be poor here, I might as well go back and be poor at home with my family."


  • sir82

    I have not seen such a thing in a looooong time. But then again, this varies greatly by georgraphic area. Poor rural Districts and Circuits are the best grounds for this kind of growth. Also, more mature urban Hispanic communities such as NYC and Miami are not having this sort of growth any longer and haven't for quite some time.

    I don't want to give my location away, but urban areas, where there are lots of construction jobs, can also see spectacular growth. There are several cities (in states farther north than Florida ) where this is the case.

    As I noted in my post:

    In areas where there are not so many recent immigrants, Spanish-speaking congregations suffer the same malaise as any other congregation.

    Ladies and gents, I believe we are going to see this kind of Spanish language growth in the US end. Massive amounts of Hispanics are going home because of the downturn and increased enforcement. It is nearly invisible to most of us, but I hear it and see it. I have been told by some "If I am going to be poor here, I might as well go back and be poor at home with my family."

    I agree. In the 2007 service year, US growth was about 3% overall - probably 10% from Spanish spekers and -1 or -2% from English-speakers.

    My gut sense is that growth for the 2008 service year will be about 1 or 2% - this time maybe 4 or 5% from Hispanics and another -1 or -2% from the gringos.

    For 2009 & later, if the economy continues to tank and the immigration flows the other way, expect US growth to slip to 0 or even be negative overall.

    By the way, immigration is also often driving increases in European countries. If the global economy continues to be poor, expect all western counties to slip into negative territory, but also expect even bigger increases in the 3rd world.

    Bet you didn't know "Jah's blessing" was so dependent on economics!

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