I am surprised that any agree there is no censure from the society. If any think that these movies mentioned are "Up to individual discretion" then next time the curcuit boy comes around invite he and his wife to go along to one of them. Me thinks that would clear up the discretion issue.
Australian Premiere of new James Bond movie full of Witnesses and Elders???
by Witness 007 40 Replies latest jw friends
Renia.... here you go again!
I have congregation members (who had nothing to do with bethel) get reproved over this stupidity!
My wife and I have this rule that we don't invite these nitwits over our home anymore.
My friend had a get together over his home, and while he was entertaining the "friends", he had these two nitwits in his room opening up his nightstand drawers!
when he told me the story, I almost blew my top!.... he's hoing to be very careful about inviting people home in the future!
Reniaa, your cognitive dissonance is glaring on this thread.
{This is personal choice so whats the problem?}
Since when has it ever been a matter of personal choice, haven't been around long have you?
I was a jw for 30 years violent movies have always been condemned...
h40 -
This is personal choice so whats the problem? Reniaa
I guess being on a apostate web site is a personal choice too,.. but could you please give me your home congregations
address so that I could confirm this with the Elders please ?
Renia.... here you go again!
I have congregation members (who had nothing to do with bethel) get reproved over this stupidity!
My wife and I have this rule that we don't invite these nitwits over our home anymore.
My friend had a get together over his home, and while he was entertaining the "friends", he had these two nitwits in his room opening up his nightstand drawers!
when he told me the story, I almost blew my top!.... he's hoing to be very careful about inviting people home in the future!
I'm sorry, but I still believe that my question was not answered
I remember an elder waxing about a Lord of the Rings preview that you'd only have seen if you'd been at a Harry Potter movie.
But really, who cares that witnesses go to the movies?
How are the 'people apart' apparently with greater spirituality (hope I'm not misunderstanding you here) and less tainted by the world due to their separateness, able to make specific recommendations as to movies/music that is acceptable/unacceptable? And they do make specific recommendations - or did - because I have heard it from the platform many times. Or, were those purely the personal preferences and recommendations of local elders - due to the direction of holy spirit? From my experience JW's do not have a personal conscience - openly - they have a community conscience.
compound complex
At the last circuit assembly I attended [northern California] governing body member Guy Pierce specifically mentioned Brokeback Mountain as a movie a Christian should not watch.
He didn't say anything about not reading the book, however ...
I know people df'd over going to see an R rated movie. Reniaa, as usual, is full of shit.