The witnesses and christians would say it was the story of christ. All religions I'm sure would point to their specific redemption story. For me, I'd have to go with Indiana Jones, Star Wars or Lord of the Rings: so much excitement, villans, heros, a lil magik. Makes for great reading or watching.
The Greatest Story Ever Told?
by LouBelle 10 Replies latest jw friends
Witness 007
Yeah Lord of the Rings for sure or Star Wars!........"Luke.......I am your Father." Better written then the bible.
Lord of the Rings, hands down.
Witness 007
Yes Sweetstuff......."One Ring to rule them ALL...." My favourite Boxset.... Rumor has it you may be getting a ring
I rate the bible story about one step above, "Pee wee's great adventure"
Another vote for Lord of the Rings which I read completely several years ago.
Dave -
choosing life
The Hobbit is coming out as a movie soon. Lord of the Rings is a great read. Liked the books better than the movies, though.
I read Lord of the rings back in the 70's.
It was a great book to read.
To me it was a terrible movie to watch.
It doesnt translate to the screen. Like so many movies I have seen.
What I immagined reading it and what I saw on the screen did not equate.
Today, I would guess, many people see the movie before they read the book. So it would be a different experience.
I read Lord of the Rings about once a year, I enjoy it that much, it's a book that ignites the imagination! The movie...they did a good job considering the enormity of the project. A movie about The Hobit, wonder if Peter Jackson will direct that one too?
As far as a great story for a movie, I like "What Dreams May Come" with Robin Williams.