BTTT for our resident JW:
Would you donate blood so that the fractions allowed by the Watchtower Society could save the life of one of your Jehovah's Witness brothers or sisters?
by Honesty 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
BTTT for our resident JW:
Would you donate blood so that the fractions allowed by the Watchtower Society could save the life of one of your Jehovah's Witness brothers or sisters?
I noticed reniaa quit posting here, but she did continue to post at the gun control thread, maybe she will come back to this one.
Well purps, her cognitive dissonance is bouncing off the CD meter.
She looks at the question I asked her and if she answers "yes" she is going against the 'faithful slave' and if she answers "no" she is showing just how much she loves her brothers and sisters.
That's why those 2 questions are a powerful tool in jumpstarting the minds that have been lulled into slumber by the Watchtower Society.
I guess it is ok for long as the blood it comes from is not stored...but poured upon the ground first........
Well here's the answer that I get most. Because when blood is split it is no longer whole blood. When the portions of blood are taken they are nothing more than proteins, which even if they're combined with water they are proteins and water.
While some people may view this as the same thing as blood, since technically it isn't, it cannot be enforced as the same thing as blood. Therefore, this is a conscience matter, while blood transfusions would not be.
That is the most reasonable answer I've gotten, however no one really ever mentions that blood transfusions are not whole blood either, it is the hemoglobin only. Which pretty much negates this entire argument. They'll deny this of course, this is when they say "I'll get back to you" and never do.
Every JW should be asked if the end justifies the means.
Carla, do love your point.
So a triune God (Father, Son, Spirit) is beyond the grasp of human reason, but a triune god (Word, Jesus, Michael) is completely ok........
A question I have on the blood issue is when a person receives fractions, what happens to the rest of the blood? Wouldn't that be just as disrepectful to the blood?
Well here's the answer that I get most. Because when blood is split it is no longer whole blood. When the portions of blood are taken they are nothing more than proteins, which even if they're combined with water they are proteins and water.
While some people may view this as the same thing as blood, since technically it isn't, it cannot be enforced as the same thing as blood. Therefore, this is a conscience matter, while blood transfusions would not be.
So how is that different to plasma, which is "something" + water?
Renaia is SO adamant about the bible being followed regarding blood...WHERE is the scripture that says that they can ingest or swallow or inhale or whatever PARTS of blood? Where where where where?????
Where does it give them permission to even GIVE permission to take parts of blood? To determine FOR THEMSELVES which parts are ok to take and which parts are NOT ok to take?
Again with the bullshit excuses for bullshit for which there is NO excuse...and which kills thousands of innocents.