Southerner's version of Breakfast gravy

by restrangled 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    redredrose and all you other pussy southeners out there......listen up!

    Southern gravy is REDEYE gravy....what the hey are you guys milkin an flourin this stuff up with???

    REDEYE....real southern cowboy gravy is .........bacon, neeses sauage, or ham pan scrapins and fluids left in the pan....then pour strong black coffee in the pan....scrape and stir...and pour on your biscuits..........cmon guys!..........oompa

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I order biscuits and gravy when I am out for breakast sometimes but have never had them at home. These recipes sound so good I'm going to have try making them.

  • lisavegas420

    This is from my husband's MYSPACE:

    country gravy

    This is a sausage gravy recipe that my mother taught to me and I've been using since I was about 12 years old. (OMG that's 50 years!!) I always use: 10" cast iron skillet 2 tablespoons bacon grease 1 teaspoon crushed red peppers (add more if you like it HOT!) 1 lb. sausage (I use Sage) 1- 1/4 cups milk self-rising flour (1/4 cup or less) black pepper add sausage and red peppers to bacon grease, mash it up and fry on medium heat until no pink remains mix in the flour until the sausage is coated and no grease is left in the skillet (also, there should be no white left from the flour) turn up heat and add the milk a little at a time, let cook until it makes a thick paste, stirring frequently add hot water a little at a time stirring frequently to thin to your liking (you can add more milk or water to get the right consistency) add black pepper to your taste ENJOY!! Clean up kitchen when you are done!! (This was later added by my mom)

  • Snoozy

    That sounds like a Red Eye Gravy!...Just wanted to add I noticed someone used half and half, my MIL showed me ho to make it using can milk (half milk half water)..but only carnation as it was from contented cows..

    It was pretty good too but I still like plain milk..


    ps..I also like to brown the grease and flour and pepper good before adding the milk...that makes a nice golden brown gravy and it seems to have more flavor that way.

  • oompa

    sorry guys....but redeye gravy is made with grease and coffee...and scrapins...and can add some pepper maybe...but if you add flour or milk....well....that just aint real redeye southern gravy to me. now i love it with those added too...ok?....but...well...maybe we need a redeye gravy thread..............sorry.........oompa

  • kurtbethel

    I always thought gravy was gravy. Then one day this girl in Gaffney, South Carolina made some gravy for me. This was good stuff. The gravy, that is. It tasted much like the recipe describes. Most notably, a spoon stuck in this gravy will stand up and not fall over!

  • lisavegas420

    That's some thick gravy.

    Anyone ever try the Pillsbury Frozen Biscuits? MmmMmmm As good as homemade.


  • RubaDub

    Wow ... calories and fat galore.

    I guess the East Coast breakfast of a bagel, fresh fruit, juice and coffee doesn't cut it in the South.

    Your heart can't be happy with that type of food !!!

    Rub a Dub

  • LouBelle

    Breakfast gravy? Never in my life have I heard of such a thing. You americans are so strange

  • Finally-Free

    Great. Thanks a lot. All I need to do now is show these recipes to my dietician so I can watch her implode.

    I never heard of sausage gravy until I went to the U.S. a few years ago. I loved it, but it would surely turn me into a solid in no time.


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