Well David Reed was really GREAT!!!! I enjoyed him immensly Thanks Rick for inviting this very very interesting man to be a guest.
Then the following speaker ,Raven? I had already passed judgement on. ( forgive me LORD) I said I wouldnt not listen to ... I did till midnight ...( couldnt hold the phone any longer)
Well I retract my judgement ...she sounded very sincere, who am I to say her truth is any differant from my truth,,,, I am beginning ( after listening ) to believe she must be speaking the truth,I cant understand how any parents could do that to any baby( because that is what she was) .So I ask forgiveness to Raven( who I had made up my mind was not telling truth before hand) To Rick & Inez whom I called on the phone to tell them what I thought BEFORE I heard her ,I ask your forgivenss also. But most importantly to GOD!!!!! who I took upon myself to answer a question before it was heard. the real true sign of a fool Thanks