Who's best James Bond for you? And favourite bond movie or moment?

by Witness 007 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    New flash I did not like Quantum of Solice 2008.....first ever Bond movie that did not work for me, trying to make it a part two of Casino Royale? Bond has turned into "The Bourne Ulitimatum....or Mission Impossible 3.

    My favourite Bond as a kid and today is Roger Moore....I thought he brought some humor to the role I saw Octopussy 12 times....Also Pierce Brosnan was born to be Bond with his coolness.

  • leavingwt

    Sean Connery. Goldfinger and From Russia with Love are my favorites.

    I didn't like QoS, either. It felt like Bourne IV, with no relation whatsoever to the Bond canon.

    I have all of the movies on DVD.

  • Casper

    Timothy Dalton.. was the best in my opinion...

    "License's to Kill"

    "The Living Daylights"


  • Bubblie

    Come on you young people, Sean Connery was the best Bond ever! He had the best bond women in and of his bed. Even as an old guy he is still hot! Then, Pierce is my second fave. He did such a good job, GoldenEye, WOW. I haven't seen the new movie yet but have heard pros and cons about it. As a follower of all the Bonds I will go to see it soon.


  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    Roger Moore. The Spy Who Loved Me.

  • Hope4Others

    Gotta say love Sean Connery.....but Roger Moore was the best bond to me!


  • musky

    I like Pierce Brosnan best.

    Also Roger Moore.

  • avishai

    The james bond without any guns. Guns are bad, mkay?

  • jws

    My favorite was Pierce Brosnan.

    Nothing against Daniel Craig. He was great in Layer Cake. But this new series just isn't Bond. Bond is supposed to be a smooth, cliche super-spy, not some rough-around-the edges jock working his way through his issues. I'd rather see the stereotype of the super-spy. After all, it's the movies, not real life.

    In fact, that whole premise of a realistic Bond is flawed. If he truly were realistic, you'd have somebody who doesn't stand out (plain looking) and who doesn't do anything to draw attention to his presence.

    As for the last movie, it sucked. Oooh, the big showdown with the villain is a card game? How exciting! And then it ends. Oh wait, it's not over. OK, now it's over. Ooops, wrong again. Well, now that the credits have rolled on Casino Royale, I guess it's finally over. Oops. Wrong again. From the sound of the ads, it seems like Quantum of Solace picks up with the same story line and keeps it going.

    And for that matter, I hate the new Batman movies too. To me, Adam West will always be Batman. Although Michael Keaton did a good job in the Timothy Burton movies. Now they both had a Batmobile, not some mixture of a Hummer and a monster truck.

  • R.F.

    Pierce Brosnan.

    I'll add that I too didn't like Quantum of Solace. I couldn't wait until the movie was over.

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