Brothers who were Gay but couldn't admit/accept it! Did you have some?

by Witness 007 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Junction-Guy

    Well Witness007, I don't know about that guy, but unless you have some tangible proof that he was gay, I wouldnt be so sure about it. In the JW world singleness is highly commended and seeking out a marriage partner is considered a distraction in their service to Jehovah. Perhaps he bought into that line.

    Gay or not, he is still outside the norm compared to society in general. That doesn't mean he is bad, just different.

  • Warlock
    I have come to realize that being Gay is something you are just born why judge them if it's like being born a certain race.

    I have one very close friend where this is not the case.

    I cannot, and will not, go into the details, but it is just a heartbreaking story.


  • restrangled

    If you had put this under private......I could have told you a story.


  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I knew of an elder's son who was extremely feminine in his actions and speech. He is out now and his peers say he is gay. That has to be a really difficult road to travel as his family are really hard-nosed dubs.

    Never could stand his parents. They were the PO and his elderette wife. I can't imagine they will ever accept him.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    I have known a few and suspected a few others. I feel so bad for them, they come out and they loose all friends and family.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    I have known a few and suspected a few others. I feel so bad for them, they come out and they loose all friends and family.

  • excito-are

    A young kid has recently ran away from my local hall because he is gay. I know this may sound stupid but me and my mates remember when he was 8 years old and we knew he was going to be gay by the way he walked and talked. Nice guy but people started being real nasty to him when he entered his teens.
    His mum and dad have said he has mental problems and needs help so that has stopped him getting the big D. No one ever talks about him and he is a non person now (1984).

    Sad Sad, but a least he is away from all the crap in the hall


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    What about sisters who turn out to be lesbian?

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    At one point there were more gay guys than straights in my hall in my age group which was weird, about 4 or 5 that were expected, some eventually got married

    as my own brother did but after a few years it was obvious they were living a lie and they all left.

    There was one guy that was married to a woman for 10 years and had 3 children with her, who eventually came out and left his family and my brother also had a

    child with his wife that he married which I find puzzling cause there was obviously a lot sex going there somewhere .

    As another poster stated its appears to be a genetic hormonal imbalance and not to be considered a sin as religion has said it is.

  • mary stewart
    mary stewart

    white dove, that would be me! but i'm more bi. i always hid it. thought prayer erased the feelings, but as usual, prayer does nothing. oh well. still a virgin, not gonna matter i guess.

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