CO michele sinapi

by wannaexit 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • wannaexit
    Does anyone remember an old CO from the 1970's by the name of Michele Sinapi? I believe he was from Montreal
  • marmot
    I went to school in Montreal with a Ricardo Sinapi, might be a relative.


    Hope you are doing well !

    I just came back from my mom's house. My brother  (who is an Elder ) was telling us how he is attending the Elder School in New York next week. He mentioned how much it cost to buy airfare, hotel and car rental. He went on to tell a story about the year he went to stay at the house of an Elder, Michele Sinapi , while in Montreal.

    Wow! That was weird! Before I left to go to my moms I saw your post.

    I remember that he was our Circuit Overseer close to 20 years ago.  (As you know, I'm from the Midwest area)

    As far as I remember, Michele Sinapi had a wife named Josephine and had twins. My brother knows him well . He told me today that he still lives in Montreal and needs someone to help him walk. He suffers from a neurological disorder.

  • wannaexit

    Marmot - I believe Riccardo is the son

    Rules - what a small world. He was our CO when I was a kid. All the kids liked him and his wife was a real sweet lady. But I heard that Michele died, but I can't seem to find any notice of his death on any of Montreal's newspapers.

    It's so sad to hear of these old timers dying believing that the end was coming in their lifetime.

    Qu�bec Circuit 13b Of Jehovah's Witnesses - 2013-08-31

    Navigation:Overview & Contact InformationFinancial Trend
    Annual Detail:2013-08-312012-08-312011-08-312010-08-312009-08-312008-08-31
    Program Description

    Ongoing programs:
    To assist the local unincorporated association of jehovah's witnesses in carrying out their religious objective of preaching the good news of god's kingdom and promoting public religious worship designed to uplift jehovah's witnesses and any who attend their public meetings by means of moral and spiritual instruction based on god's word the bible.

    Programs by Category

    Program Category Percentage
    Missionary organizations, evangelism 70%
    Places of worship, congregations, parishes, dioceses, etc. 30%
    Directors / Trustees
    Name Position Arms Length
    Italo Belli Assistant Assembly Overseer Yes
    Marco Genduso Accounts Overseer Yes
    Michele Sinapi Assembly Overseer Yes

  • wannaexit
    Thanks Rules. So he was still pretty active in 2013

    Wannaexit said:

    But I heard that Michele died, but I can't seem to find any notice of his death on any of Montreal's newspapers.

    As I posted yesterday, my brother knows Michele Sinapi and was told that he is still alive and lives in Montreal. He said that Michele should be in his late 60's and has a hard time walking. He suffers from a disease which makes him lose his balance and needs someone to hold him stay on his feet.

    Also,  Google shows that he has a Linkedin account.

  • wannaexit

    I found out from a very reliable source that Michele died yesterday. So the news probably has not spread around. Makes sense why i couldn't find the obits.

    RIP Michele




    News spreads fast in the Witness circles! I will talk to my mom and see if my brother ( who knew him well ) mentions the bad news about Michele. My mom always calls if there is any bad news in Watchtower land. Also ,since we were talking about him yesterday, this will be a shock for all of us.

    She just mentioned yesterday what a wonderful family they were and how well liked Michele was as our Circuit Overseer. 

  • wannaexit

    Funny sometimes how the ex jw world finds things out faster than the actual jw's.

    I am sure they will be saddened.

    Take care Rules and regards to your family

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