If Oompa wants to be optimistic, let him. Coming out of the borg and looking back at the lies and deceit makes for a lot of negative views on the WB&TS. A little hope is never wasted. Whatever floats your boat Oompa. I however don't foresee the shunning and disfellowshipping going away any time soon. Maybe a less harsh view on communicating with family that are df or da will be on the cards. But not soon. Smith
DF and shunning to end soon...jw numbers will triple
by oompa 49 Replies latest jw friends
I think oopma knows my tongue was right inside my cheek.
Tyrone van leyen
In my opinion there would be outrage and perhaps even people leaving on account of such a prospect. Think of the hundreds of thousands of messed up familes that gave blind obedience to shunning their own and ruined there families. This kind of flip flop like the blood issue are not joking matters. If people stayed in after that kind of new light they have to be completely brain dead.
These are areas that test loyalty in the cult. If you weaken their strongest tool they will become more mainstream. Less control. This is a cult remember. People would ask what the hell were we listening to these fools for? Credibility would plummet. But, then again, never underestimate the stupidity and weakmindedness of a follower. I even know of some fools who sold their houses in 75 and struggled therafter and still were loyal.
The Catholic church with an epidemic of pedophile preists lost many followers, but their are still some hardcore losers, that wouldn't see the light if the Pope became a Necropheliac and wore a Jock strap to mass! Hell he was even kissing the Koran not too long ago. But still I don't think Catholosism is a cult.
Consider too, if you didn't get shunned for being naughty, then why stay there? You can be naughty elsewhere without the rules and God will still loves their asses.
Without the power of shunning, you could tell them to piss up a rope, if you didn't feel like distributing their toilet paper called the watchtower. Not good for business.
If a witness sees that they are not superior to anyone by shunning them, this will mean they arn't so damn special after all. If they arn't so special, why pay any attention to someone who wants to take your holidays away, mess up your school life, rob you of every ounce of joy there is, and bore you to death, 4 days a week.
I have never known a cult to soften their framework of control. Usually it increases and gets crazier. This is what defines them.
The only way you may be right, is in attracting new ones who arn't in the know. This is what happened in 75. Mass numbers left in disgust, but more ignorant ones eventually filled the gaps and they actually got increase after it blew over and was forgotten like Beth Sarim.
If they thought canning Rutherfords shunning business would help matters, they would have done it long ago. It can't even be defended by scripture.
It's like saying to a bunch of guys in prison. Hey look we've made some changes. You still have to live by the rules in here, but wev'e decided to be kinder now, so we took the locks off your cells. By the way, sorry for the inconvenience of messing your life up. We really hope you'll stay with us and reform yourselves.
Beleive it or not, in this scenario some who have become so used to prison life would indeed stay, because they know nothing else, and actually fear normal societal living. The majority would leave though.
AK - Jeff
I tend to agree that in some cases Jw's do less shunning than they used to - but it is still practiced by many. I do disagree that that will increase the number of Jw's. I think that once the shunning is out of the way officially [and I don't see that happening], many Jw's will leave instead. They will be able to take a look and just walk away. I walked away, and get shunned every time I see a Jw - and it still hurts. Once that is out of the way, the organization will shrink, which is way the WTS will never remove it IMO. Jeff
Never gonna happen if they give up the DFing they will be gone as a 'religion' within 5 years if they KEEP it they will be gone it 10. Either way WE win!
Wise we are to shun apostates
WFT are they Yoda now? -
Tyrone: Think of the hundreds of thousands of messed up familes that gave blind obedience to shunning their own and ruined there families. This kind of flip flop like the blood issue are not joking matters. If people stayed in after that kind of new light they have to be completely brain dead.
I ran into a couple of good DF'd friends the other day that recently got married....they are sooo happy now....why?.....because they are soooo close to being reinstated! Well sorry, but i went apostate all over them for an hour. They boths say they still think it is the troof, but if not, it is more right than everyone else...(funny i think they will shun me now). If the" hundreds of thousands of messed up families" liked certain aspects of dubdum, then i could see many returning if they would be accepted instead of made to feel like freaks....not being shunned and having your friends and family back could make many "return to the fold".........listen up FDS!.....stop this crap......be nice....and make more money..........oompa
It's a losing battle, Oompa......everything I see, it's becoming more regimented.......
They're all drinking the kool-aid, I mean new light.....it probably won't be long before they're told to shun those that have faded.......afterall following all this garbage proves their faith....
Doubting Bro
They certainly need to change the business model but I just can't see them ever giving up shunning. Its too ingrained in the JW culture. On one hand, it seems they are loosening slightly with the elimination of the BS & reducing meeting times, yet on the other hand, the rant against college education continues and will be featured once again in the 2009 service year circuit assemblies(at least here in the US). The WT giveth, the WT taketh away!
They have already eased up on it slightly. About 20 years ago (or maybe a little more) dubs had to shun those who had been unbaptized publishers if they sinned or went away from it. So the current stand may be as good as its going to get.