Exactly Cameo, if there were no strings attached and someone truly chose to serve God becuase they love him rather than because there is a threat this has more a ring of genuine love.
If God made us knowing our desires and fears, then what satisfaction would there be in getting someone to love you through coercsion?
If you gave the gift of a bike to kid, knowing they want it, because they love to explore and told them they could only drive it in the parking lot, you are actually creating a temptation and form of torment.
If he loves me, he won't drive the bike on the road. This is sick thinking. If he loves you he will drive the bike on the road so he can fully appreciate the gift you gave him.
Then you can really show your deep love by grounding him, and it becomes a worse gift because your not letting him use his natural inclination to explore and learn the rules of the road and in the end you've taken more away than you've given. This is not love.
If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it was truly yours to begin with, if it doesn't it never was.
In prison if you give something to someone, and they put it in their cell, they can own you. You can become their bitch. True love. This is very sick thinking! Jail mentality from the holy of holies.