I loved this show: Beauty and the Beast.
This thread is for romantic scenes and pictures from TV and movies.
by FlyingHighNow 16 Replies latest jw friends
I loved this show: Beauty and the Beast.
This thread is for romantic scenes and pictures from TV and movies.
This is one of my favorite movies of all time. Anyone else love The Quiet Man?
I love the scene at 1:00 and when Mary Kate left to go to Dublin and the whole town watched while he marched her five miles on foot back to town. All she ever wanted him to do was show his backbone. And boy did he.
That movie is a classic for sure.
One of my absolute favorite movies of all time. (Think I've mentioned it before, once or twice.)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, also classic and yes, romantic.
The scrumptious Gordon Macrae, as a ghost, singing to If I Loved You to Shirley Jones in Carousel:
What the heck? Is that some kind of fantasy show? Weird... looks ugly.
Shamus, they didn't run this show in Canada? It was a fantasy TV series. The Beast, Vincent, and others lived beneath New York City. He was beastlike in appearance. Linda Hamilton was the DA and she gets to know these people and falls in love with Vincent, because of who he was. He wasn't so ugly when you got to see his character develop.
I must have been busy in field service... Must have been quite some time ago, I imagine.
No, I didn't see it. Thanks for the clarification.