I honestly believe that the Watch Tower's insistence in silencing disent will eventually destroy it. Think about it. No one knows at this point how many doubters and closet apostates are still inside. And the WT itself is unable to identify most of them. It will take a moment of crisis in the WT for the doubters and closet apostates to emerge, either opposing or leaving. This is not pure speculation, since the same phenomenon has taken place in countries that have lived under political dictatorships, where no one knew before the fall of the regimes how oppressed people really felt and how much they despised the government, take the eastern Europe socialist regimes as an example. In this information age, there is no way for the Society to continue to exercise the level of control they have up to this point, unless they move all Witnesses to an Island. Again, since no one can freely express disent, the WT is sleeping with the enemy.
The Watch Tower will implode
by Hiddenwindow 17 Replies latest jw friends
The WTS has a nasty habit of surviving
hiddenwindow...I hope you are right!
Maybe the uprising will be the "next trumpet blast"!!
Hope it will be loud.
Very interesting idea. It does seem to me that this general feeling of "awareness" that JW's are not right, is becoming more pervasive.
Or maybe that's just my hopeful thinking, and almost all Witnesses are faithful to the death.
in this part of the world there seems to be a "waking up" in a few of the congregations........."apostasy" seems to be increasing.....is this going on in other parts of the world also?....is the dam leaking?.....I'm keeping my fingers torture staked
The WTS has a nasty habit of surviving
Based on what? 100 years existence? Shit my GRANDFATHER is almost as old as this religion! And they have really only existed in anything like their present form since the 40's! So not even 70 years old? Already they've stopped any 'real' growth and in reality with unfudged "count 1 minute of time to be a publisher" numbers they are in decline!
Worldwide they STILL haven't broken the 7 million mark? However they are 'survivors?' Please spare me! They are survivors in the same way that Mike Tyson was a great boxer. All flash and no staying power, big increases followed by sharp decline. Mike had no heart he never won a fight that went past the second round. Same thing with witnesses they pile to many loads on their followers, it looks great for the first few years (rounds) but many never make it past their first decade! If you do make it past that first decade your stumbling around punch drunk just waiting for that roundhouse to finish your ass off!
This religion could literally fall apart TOMORROW and other than a few comedians who would even notice? We would because we were unlucky enough to be born in or gullible enough to be sucked in but guess what of the other 8 billionish people on this tiny orb NONE of them give a damn!
BonaFide: It does seem to me that this general feeling of "awareness" that JW's are not right, is becoming more pervasive.
the big generation change in 1995 got many doubting, then two more quick changes to it and many had to conclude "we don't know crap"....they ARE becoming aware....i spoke with a poster here this week who still attends with his wife for only family in reasons.....one think that speeded up his awakening was the KM article that said to "use only WT source material" when doing Bible research!.....no internet allowed....so of course he jumped on the internet and found jwd..........oompa
Mickey mouse
I think you're probably right. I put it 10-20 years off yet.
The Watchtower will be around long after we have died and there will still be some form of Jehovah's Witnesses 100 years from now.
For *&^%'s sake, there are still Russellites/Bible Students around.
Your right mega there will be. I would guess they will be around in larger numbers than the millerites (at least for a while) but how many in 20 years? 30 years? 40?
I will bet in the US by 2030 there are less than 100k. By 2040 there are less than 50k I should still be around then... So if I'm wrong, i owe you a coke!