Jesus was sexually abused

by excito-are 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jaguarbass

    And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, edit

    53 : And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. edit

    If the story of Jesus is true and the 27th chapter of Matthew says when he, Jeusus died the graves were open and dead people were ressurected.

    How come there is no report of this in history except of the bible myth of Jesus, if it is real?

    Graves being opened and zombies coming out walking around appearing before people would be worthy of world wide historical mention.

    Why doesn't Flavius Josephus mention this?

    That would be more note worthy than "there was a wise man named Jesus and his conduct was good", which is what Flavius Josephus wrote of Jesus and which many say is an after the fact forgery, insertion by the church to promote their story.

    It wasnt recorded because it didnt happen just like the sexual molestation of the mythical man.

    And if you want to say he wasnt a mythical man, he was real.

    Then he was a real man who myths were made up about.

  • JimmyPage

    So he wasn't just nailed TO a cross, he was also nailed ON the cross.

  • possible-san

    In foreign countries, I feel that there are really few people who can do "discussion."

    "Expressing his own opinion" is different from "discussing."
    Many people can only do "self-assertion."

    Discussion is impossible if it does not become conversation.


  • JimmyPage

    JCanon, get in here! This man needs a "discussion"! And it's a subject right up your alley!

  • possible-san

    Probably, the people of English speaking areas may use the word "bullsh*t" at such time.


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