I rarely reat the mags anymore, and do not know how to get this cd to search only current WT's.....is that even possible? I also have only been to one meeting in two years, and i did not hear it then either....is it used in talks anymore?......this date will go the same way of all their other dates.....in the trash.........oompa
1914 is on my WTCD 6398 times...but do they still use it now?
by oompa 16 Replies latest jw friends
It was mentioned in the public talk I attended this past Sunday. In fact the speaker made the point to use the appendix in the back of the NWT and for those to get accquainted with the points under the heading "Chronolgy." 607 and 1914 are still topics that come up during the meetings.
FadingAway....well this is weird....i still had my 2007 WTCD open....so went to the Appendix in the Reference Bible there....and there is no section on Chronology or 607 or 1914...or is it a sub-section? So what's up with that!....did he actually read from it and have the congo look it up?..........oompa
Don't have my NWT in front of me, but look in the regular NWT, not reference in the appendix. Page 1500+?
darn fading....i was so hoping they had REMOVED that section from the Appendix, that would be huge....but that is actually a heading under "bible topics for discussion"...oompa
Yes the Bible Topics is considered a booklet and used to be available separately from the NWT. It is tucked away at the end of the smaller NWTs. Many jws have not clue that it is in the back of their bible for their use if they panic explaining 607 and 1914.
*** td 6-6A Bible Topics for Discussion ***
1914 (C.E.) endsGentileTimes
Line of kingdom rulers interrupted, 607 B.C.E. Eze 21:25-27
"Seven times" to pass until rule restored. Da 4:32, 16, 17
Seven = 2 × 3 1 /2 times, or 2 × 1,260 days. Re 12:6, 14; 11:2, 3
A day for a year. [Makes 2,520 years] Eze 4:6; Nu 14:34
To run until Kingdom’s establishment. Lu 21:24; Da 7:13, 14
dx86-07NewWorldTranslationoftheHolyScriptures***features: rs 277-8
appendix: bi12 1640-7; si 325
Bible Topics for Discussion: bi12 1652-63
Does anyone know how to compare the last five years of watchtowers and see if the date 1914 is used less and less......maybe if i was in prison i would just read them all and keep count of the numbers..........oompa
Here are the mentions of 1914 in the 2007 WTs. Note how clear and specific the WTS still is.
** w07 1/1 p. 19 Gilead Graduates Receive Instruction That Touches the Heart ***
Brother Barr urged the students to take to heart three things regarding that angel. First, he had to declare the everlasting good news that Christ is now ruling with full Kingdom authority. The speaker said: "We are absolutely convinced that his enthronement took place in 1914. So these glad tidings must be proclaimed all over the earth."
*** w07 1/1 p. 27 par. 9 "The First Resurrection"—Now Under Way ***
For example, compare two chapters of Revelation. First, look at Revelation chapter 12. There we read that the newly enthroned Jesus Christ, along with his holy angels, wages war against Satan and his demons. (Revelation 12:7-9) As this journal has often shown, that battle began in 1914. Notice, though, that none of Christ’s anointed followers are said to be with Jesus in that heavenly war.
*** Footnote ***
For Scriptural proof that Christ’s presence began in 1914, see the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? pages 215-18, published by Jehovah’s Witnesses.
*** w07 1/1 p. 27 par. 9 "The First Resurrection"—Now Under Way ***
"Called and chosen and faithful" ones must already have been resurrected if they are to be with Jesus for the final defeat of Satan’s world. Reasonably, then, anointed ones who die before Armageddon are resurrected sometime between 1914 and Armageddon.
*** w07 1/1 p. 28 par. 11 "The First Resurrection"—Now Under Way ***
Because the correct identity of the great crowd was revealed to God’s anointed servants on earth in 1935. If one of the 24 elders was used to convey that important truth, he would have had to be resurrected to heaven by 1935 at the latest. That would indicate that the first resurrection began sometime between 1914 and 1935
*** w07 1/1 p. 28 par. 12 "The First Resurrection"—Now Under Way ***
Could it, then, be reasoned that since Jesus was enthroned in the fall of 1914, the resurrection of his faithful anointed followers began three and a half years later, in the spring of 1918? That is an interesting possibility
*** w07 1/1 p. 28 par. 14 "The First Resurrection"—Now Under Way ***
Consider, too, the evidence contained in Revelation chapter 6. There Jesus is seen riding forth as a conquering King. (Revelation 6:2) The nations are embroiled in warfare of epic proportions. (Revelation 6:4) There is widespread famine. (Revelation 6:5, 6) Deadly plagues ravage mankind. (Revelation 6:8) All these prophesied events clearly fit world conditions since 1914
*** w07 3/15 p. 21 par. 1 Angels—How They Affect Mankind ***
WHILE in exile on the island of Patmos, the aged apostle John is favored with prophetic visions. He beholds thrilling events as "by inspiration" he comes to be in "the Lord’s day." That day begins with the enthronement of Jesus Christ in 1914 and runs clear down to the end of his Thousand Year Reign.—Revelation 1:10.
*** w07 4/1 p. 22 par. 3 Loyal to Christ and His Faithful Slave ***
The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges states that this metaphor "suggests not only vital union with the Head, but that the will of the Head is exercised through the members. They are His instruments." Whom has Christ used as his collective instrument since being invested with Kingdom power in 1914?—Daniel 7:13, 14.
*** w07 4/15 p. 5 Will Cruelty Ever End? ***
Bible prophecies reveal that our times are particularly critical because after God’s Kingdom by Christ Jesus was established in 1914, Satan and his demon hordes were ousted from the heavens. The Bible declares: "Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time."—Revelation 12:5-9, 12.
*** w07 6/1 p. 5 The Source of Evil Exposed! ***
The Devil is maneuvering mankind into a tempest of increasing woes. In fact, he is more determined than ever to do harm. Why? Because he and the demons were evicted from heaven after God’s Kingdom was established in 1914.
*** w07 9/1 pp. 18-19 Highlights From the Book of Daniel ***
4:16, 23, 25, 32, 33—How long were the "seven times"? All the changes that took place in the appearance of King Nebuchadnezzar required that the "seven times" be of a far longer duration than seven literal days. In his case, these times meant seven years of 360 days each, or 2,520 days. In the greater fulfillment, the "seven times" are 2,520 years. (Ezekiel 4:6, 7) They began with the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E. and ended with the enthronement of Jesus as heavenly King in 1914 C.E.—Luke 21:24.
*** w07 9/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
The virgins remind us of anointed Christians before 1914 who were eagerly waiting for the arrival of the great Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.
*** w07 9/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
When Jesus came into his Kingdom authority in 1914, many among the anointed Christians were expecting to join him immediately in heaven.
*** w07 11/1 p. 24 par. 11 The Word of Jehovah Never Fails ***
On Friday morning, October 2, 1914, Charles Taze Russell, who took the lead at that time among the Bible Students, strode into the dining room at Bethel in Brooklyn, New York. "Good morning, all," he said cheerily. Then, before taking his seat, he joyfully announced: "The Gentile times have ended; their kings have had their day."
*** w07 12/15 p. 11 par. 2 Are You Ready for Jehovah’s Day? ***
The Bible also foretells a "day of Jehovah" when he will ‘war against all the nations.’ (Zechariah 14:1-3) Under inspiration, the apostle Paul associated that day with Christ’s presence, which began with Jesus’ enthronement as heavenly King in 1914. (2 Thessalonians 2:1, 2)
Trevor Scott
I did a search for "1914" using the 2007 CD; I only searched the Watchtower mags. I sorted by year and counted the totals for each year from 1978-2007.
Frequency peaked in 1984 at 178 occurrences. Compare with 17 occurrences last year.
In the 13 years prior to 1995, "1914" occurs 1027 times. In the 13 years including and following 1995, only 356 occurrences......
I still get the magazines and latest publications through my wife. As Blondie has pointed out there are still references to 1914 but I do detect that the 1914 message is rapidly losing the credibility it once had.
The next few years as we approach 2014 will be very interesting. As Christ's enthronement in 1914 was with respect to sorting out earth's woes, 100 years of doing nothing will be difficult to explain.