According to the New Yorker Magazine, the LA Times' The Envelope and Perez Hilton's blog, Prince slammed gays and gay marriage in a recent interview. The Perez Hilton blog has a number of JW sympathizers going at it with those slamming him and the Witnesses.
Prince Is In BIG Trouble With Gays!
by minimus 17 Replies latest jw friends
Prince is gay and just hasn't come to terms with it yet...
But as my mother would say, "But, he's married!".
You simply can't pray the gay away.
Prince is at least bi - if not fully gay. In his heyday, he would do whatever felt good.
I guess he has a right to his opinion - that's okay. He's still an idiot weather he's right or wrong.
I've never had any use for him anyway. Who cares what Prince thinks?
Prince was divorced a few years ago. I've been wondering if he's remained celibate as a good JW! Hard to imagine that that would be easy for Mr. superstar.
I've got mixed feelings about Prince. How in hell did someone who seems fairly intelligent and super talented get involved with the JWs?? I know it was via bassist Larry Graham, but I think those two may have their own version of JWism. Hell, Graham played bass when Prince did his PayPerView New Year's Show at the turn of the century, and Graham was an elder at the time!
S4 -
If any of US did what celebrity JWs do we would have had our asses handed to us and been DFd in a nano second. The ever present double standard for celebrity JWs always makes me sick.
Homerovah the Almighty
Its true celebrities that are said to be JWS are treated with special kid glove hands , they seem to hold up their status in the public as some kind of
moniker for themselves just like they did with Micheal Jackson in the old days.
He's tried and made an attempt to rework his public persona, from the little dirty one to Prince the Righteous but people with intelligence can see through this staged illusion.
Now he's just evolved into the little dirty Jehovah Witness.
In addition to Larry Graham, Prince's mother was a JW. So he had it coming at him from two angles.
ya know ...for a no-talent hack of a freak show that Prince is a pretty good guy. He flops religion and keeps his name of the tips of millions of tounges.
Maybe he can his his job at the car wash back...soon....please.......